論文 - 岩井 草介
A simple model and rules for the evolution of microbial mutualistic symbiosis with positive fitness feedbacks
Sosuke Iwai
Theoretical Population Biology 16 14 - 24 2024年12月
Efficient isolation and cultivation of endosymbiotic Chlorella from Paramecium bursaria on agar plates by co-culture with yeast cells
Ippei Maeda, Shou Kudou, SosukeIwai
Journal of Microbiological Methods 186 106254 2021年05月
Photosynthetic endosymbionts benefit from host's phagotrophy, including predation on potential competitors
Sosuke Iwai, Kyosuke Fujita, Yuuki Takanishi, Kota Fukushi
Current Biology 29 3114 - 3119 2019年09月
Assessing phagotrophy in the mixotrophic ciliate Paramecium bursaria using GFP-expressing yeast cells
Takashi Miura, Hisao Moriya, Sosuke Iwai
FEMS Microbiology Letters 2017年06月
Mutations in the SH1 helix alter the thermal properties of myosin II
Kotomi Shibata, Tsubasa Koyama, Shohei Inde, Sosuke Iwai, Shigeru Chaen
Biophysics and Physicobiology 14 67 - 73 2017年04月
Maintenance of algal endosymbionts in Paramecium bursaria: a simple model based on population dynamics
Sosuke Iwai, Kenji Fujiwara, Takuro Tamura
Environmental Microbiology 18 ( 8 ) 2435 - 2445 2016年
Myosin-actin interaction in Dictyostelium cells revealed by GFP-based strain sensor and validated linear spectral unmixing(共著)
Sosuke Iwai, Taro Q.P. Uyeda
Cytometry A 77 ( 8 ) 743 - 750 2010年08月
Thermal activation energy for bidirectional movement of actin along bipolar tracks of myosin filaments(共著)
Hiroyuki Okubo, Masanori Iwai, Sosuke Iwai, Shigeru Chaen
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 369 ( 2 ) 539 - 542 2010年05月
Photoregulated assembly/disassembly of DNA-templated protein arrays using modified oligonucleotide carrying azobenzene side chains(共著)
You Hachikubo, Sosuke Iwai, Taro Q.P. Uyeda
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 106 ( 1 ) 1 - 8 2010年05月
Visualizing myosin-actin interaction with a genetically encoded fluorescent strain sensor(共著)
Sosuke Iwai, Taro Q.P. Uyeda
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 ( 44 ) 16882 - 16887 2008年11月
Mutation in the SH1 helix reduces the activation energy of the ATP-induced conformational transition of myosin(共著)
Sosuke Iwai, Shigeru Chaen
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 357 ( 1 ) 325 - 329 2007年05月
A point mutation in the SH1 helix alters elasticity and thermal stability of myosin II(共著)
Sosuke Iwai, Daisuke Hanamoto, Shigeru Chaen
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 ( 41 ) 30736 - 30744 2006年10月
A novel actin-bundling kinesin-related Protein from Dictyostelium discoideum
Sosuke Iwai, Atsushi Ishiji, Issei Mabuchi, Kazuo Sutoh
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 ( 6 ) 4696 - 4704 2004年02月
Characterization of a C-terminal-type kinesin-related protein from Dictyostelium discoideum
Sosuke Iwai, Eigo Suyama, Hiroyuki Adachi, Kazuo Sutoh
FEBS letters 475 ( 1 ) 47 - 51 2000年05月
ホタテガイの閉殻筋とマイコンボードArduino を用いた簡便な電気刺激筋収縮実験
弘前大学教育学部紀要 128 19 - 26 2022年10月
弘前大学教育学部紀要 118 41 - 45 2017年10月
弘前大学教育学部紀要 110 23 - 29 2013年10月
岩井草介, 茶圓茂
日本大学文理学部自然科学研究所研究紀要 41 263 - 268 2006年04月