Papers - ROKUNOHE Daiki
Upregulated expression of glucose transporter isoform 1 in invasive and metastatic extramammary Paget’s disease
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 2024.3
Occupational ionizing radiation-induced skin injury among orthopedic surgeons: A clinical survey.
Toru Asari, Daiki Rokunohe, Eiji Sasaki, Takahide Kaneko, Gentaro Kumagai, Kanichiro Wada, Sunao Tanaka, Daisuke Sawamura, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 27 ( 1 ) 266 - 271 2022.1
Significance of IL36RN mutation analyses in the management of impetigo herpetiformis: A case report and review of published cases.
Miyuki Yoshikawa, Daiki Rokunohe, Atsuko Kimura, Mika Takahashi, Ayumi Korekawa, Koji Nakajima, Hajime Nakano, Minako Yokoyama, Kanji Tanaka, Yoshihito Yokoyama, Daisuke Sawamura
The Journal of dermatology 48 ( 5 ) 699 - 702 2021.5
Deciphering UV-induced DNA Damage Responses to Prevent and Treat Skin Cancer.
Jihoon W Lee, Kajan Ratnakumar, Kai-Feng Hung, Daiki Rokunohe, Masaoki Kawasumi
Photochemistry and photobiology 96 ( 3 ) 478 - 499 2020.5
Upregulated expression of glucose transporter isoform 1 in invasive and metastatic extramammary Paget's disease.
Mika Matsumoto, Daiki Rokunohe, Takanori Sasaki, Yasushi Matsuzaki, Hajime Nakano, Hiroki Mizukami, Eijiro Akasaka, Daisuke Sawamura
Experimental and therapeutic medicine 27 ( 5 ) 228 - 228 2024.5
Cellular localization of glucose transporters in seborrheic keratosis-clinicopathological analysis
Mika Matsumoto, Daiki Rokunohe, Kazuhito Kogawa, Yasushi Matsuzaki, Takanori Sasaki, Hajime Nakano, Hiroki Mizukami, Eijiro Akasaka, Daisuke Sawamura
A case of adult-onset localized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, harboring the novel COL7A1 mutation p.G2754E and the previously reported mutation p.R1763.
Eijiro Akasaka, Daiki Rokunohe, Hajime Nakano, Shingo Yamatani, Daisuke Sawamura
The Journal of dermatology 51 ( 3 ) e74 - e76 2023.10
特集 STOP! 脊椎脊髄外科における放射線被曝 皮膚科専門医の診断に基づく脊椎脊髄外科医の手指の放射線障害調査
浅利 享, 六戸 大樹, 佐々木 英嗣, 金子 高英, 和田 簡一郎, 石橋 恭之
脊椎脊髄ジャーナル 36 ( 8 ) 571 - 574 2023.9
Involvement of the genus Corynebacterium in the pathogenesis of pigmented intratarsal keratinous cyst.
Miyuki Yoshikawa, Daiki Rokunohe, Mika Takahashi, Ayumi Korekawa, Koji Nakajima, Hajime Nakano, Yui Akemoto, Akira Kurose, Daisuke Sawamura
The Journal of dermatology 50 ( 11 ) 1488 - 1492 2023.6
学会ハイライト 第38回日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会を終えて
六戸 大樹, 澤村 大輔
皮膚病診療 44 ( 10 ) 922 - 923 2022.10
中島 康爾, 山下 あや, 吉川 未雪, 赤坂 英二郎, 六戸 大樹, 中野 創, 澤村 大輔
日本皮膚外科学会誌 26 ( 2 ) 57 - 57 2022.9
症例報告 部分消退により特異な臨床像を呈した基底細胞癌の1例
福士 花恋, 滝吉 典子, 松井 彰伸, 福井 智久, 相樂 千尋, 六戸 大樹, 中島 康爾, 中野 創, 澤村 大輔
臨床皮膚科 76 ( 9 ) 727 - 732 2022.8
Hidradenitis suppurativa with perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens successfully treated with a human anti-tumour necrosis factor monoclonal antibody.
S Minakawa, Y Matsuzaki, D Rokunohe, N Kumagai, A Kurose, M Kushibiki, H Kayaba, D Sawamura
Clinical and experimental dermatology 46 ( 8 ) 1586 - 1588 2021.12
福井 智久, 中島 康爾, 是川 あゆ美, 滝吉 典子, 赤坂 英二郎, 六戸 大樹, 澤村 大輔, 金子 高英
加齢皮膚医学セミナー 16 ( 2 ) 38 - 39 2021.12
日本臨牀 79 ( 増刊号3 ) 85 - 90 2021.7
Analysis of the mechanism underlying a mild phenotype of hereditary coproporphyria due to a homozygous missense mutation in the transcription initiation codon of the coproporphyrinogen III oxidase gene.
Tomohisa Fukui, Eijiro Akasaka, Daiki Rokunohe, Yasushi Matsuzaki, Daisuke Sawamura, Kenji Kabashima, Hajime Nakano
Journal of dermatological science 100 ( 2 ) 156 - 159 2020.11
滝吉 典子, 六戸 大樹, 中野 創, 澤村 大輔, 対馬 史泰, 金子 高英
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 129 ( 9 ) 1913 - 1913 2019.8
金子 高英, 滝吉 典子, 六戸 大樹, 会津 隆幸, 中野 創, 澤村 大輔, 三浦 弘行
日本皮膚外科学会誌 23 ( 1 ) 56 - 57 2019.7
六戸 大樹, 豊巻 由香, 中野 創, 澤村 大輔
角化症研究会記録集 33 76 - 78 2019.3
Nagashima-type palmoplantar keratoderma and malignant melanoma in Japanese patients.
A Korekawa, E Akasaka, D Rokunohe, T Fukui, T Kaneko, D Sawamura, M Ishikawa, T Yamamoto, H Nakano
The British journal of dermatology 180 ( 2 ) 415 - 416 2019.2