Learning pupil guidance,career guidance, and educational counseling from case studies(for elementary school pupils) 3rd edition "jointly worked"
Keizou HASEGAWA, Atsushi YOSHINAKA, Mutsumi TAKATSUNA, Osamu NAKAMURA ,etc.( Role: Joint author , Theories and methods of career guidance)
Tomishobo 2024.4
会沢 信彦,渡部 昌平 他( Role: Joint author , 第11章 進路指導・キャリア教育の意義と原理)
北樹出版 2021.3
本郷 一夫, 神谷 哲司, 吉中 淳 他( Role: Joint author)
建帛社 2019.2
公認心理師の基礎と実践12 発達心理学(共著)
本郷 一夫, 進藤 将敏, 吉中 淳 他( Role: Joint author)
遠見書房 2018.9
Learner Development working papers: Different cases,different interests
Andy Barfield,Aiko Minematsu,Hideo Kojima, Matsuko Miyahara,Atsushi Yoshinaka,etc.( Role: Contributor , Collaborative and reflective advising for teacher and learner autonomy in a japanese junior high school EFL education context)
全国語学教育学会・学習者ディベロップメント研究部会 2014.12
Learning pupil guidance,career guidance, and educational counseling from case studies(for elementary school pupils) "jointly worked"
Keizou HASEGAWA, Mutsumi TAKATSUNA, Osamu NAKAMURA ,etc.( Role: Joint author , Theories and methods of career guidance)
Tomishobo 2014.4
Learning pupil guidance,career guidance, and educational counseling from case studies(for junior high school students) "jointly worked"
Keizou HASEGAWA, Osamu NAKAMURA, Mutsumi TAKATSUNA ,etc.( Role: Joint author , Theories and methods of career guidance -career guidance for adolescent)
Tomishobo 2014.4
本郷一夫他( Role: Joint author , 71-77)
金子書房 2012.3
図説 子どものための適応援助(共著)
小泉令三他( Role: Joint author , 148-159)
北大路書房 2011.5