論文 - 黒瀬 顕
Destroyed lung due to sustained inflammation after chemoradiotherapy followed by durvalumab.
Kageaki Taima, Hisashi Tanaka, Masamichi Itoga, Yoshiko Ishioka, Akira Kurose, Sadatomo Tasaka
Respirology case reports 8 ( 5 ) e00580 - e00580 2020年07月
Destroyed lung due to sustained inflammation after chemoradiotherapy followed by durvalumab.
Taima K, Tanaka H, Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Respirology case reports 8 ( 5 ) e00580 2020年07月
Teriparatide may accelerate the growth of a pre-existing malignant tumor in an elderly patient with osteoporosis: A case report.
Ogawa T, Ohshika S, Yanagisawa M, Kurose A, Ishibashi Y
Mol Clin Oncol 2020年02月
Teriparatide may accelerate the growth of a pre-existing malignant tumor in an elderly patient with osteoporosis: A case report.
Ogawa T, Ohshika S, Yanagisawa M, Kurose A, Ishibashi Y
Molecular and clinical oncology 12 ( 2 ) 144 - 147 2020年02月
Giant cell glioblastoma is a distinctive subtype of glioma characterized by vulnerability to DNA damage
Ogawa K, Kurose A, Kamataki A, Asano K, Katayama K, Kurotaki H
Brain Tumor Pathol 2020年01月
Giant cell glioblastoma is a distinctive subtype of glioma characterized by vulnerability to DNA damage.
Ogawa K, Kurose A, Kamataki A, Asano K, Katayama K, Kurotaki H
Brain tumor pathology 37 ( 1 ) 5 - 13 2020年01月
青森県臨床細胞学会雑誌 2020年
Toll-Like Receptor 3 as a Recurrence Risk Factor and a Potential Molecular Therapeutic Target in Colorectal Cancer.
Tatsuya Yoshida, Takuya Miura, Tomoh Matsumiya, Hidemi Yoshida, Hajime Morohashi, Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Akira Kurose, Tadaatsu Imaizumi, Kenichi Hakamada
Clinical and experimental gastroenterology 13 427 - 438 2020年
診断病理 37 ( 2 ) 142 - 146 2020年
頭蓋内転移をきたし, 開頭手術とガンマナイフを組み合わせて治療した明細胞性髄膜腫の1例
佐々木 貴夫, 浅野 研一郎, 角田 聖英, 片山 耕輔, 大熊 洋揮, 黒瀬 顕
脳神経外科ジャーナル 29 ( 10 ) 718 - 725 2020年
Toll-Like Receptor 3 as a Recurrence Risk Factor and a Potential Molecular Therapeutic Target in Colorectal Cancer.
Yoshida T, Miura T, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Morohashi H, Sakamoto Y, Kurose A, Imaizumi T, Hakamada K
Clinical and experimental gastroenterology 13 427 - 438 2020年
Clinical Neuroscience 2019年12月
Clinical Neuroscience 2019年11月
A Long Interval from a Spinal Cord Lesion to a Subsequent Brain Lesion in Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis.
Kon T, Funamizu Y, Suzuki C, Sato T, Kurotaki H, Kurihara A, Kurose A, Wakabayashi K, Tomiyama M
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 58 ( 10 ) 1485 - 1489 2019年05月
PIK3CA hotspot mutations and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in ovarian clear cell carcinomas: a close association with stromal features.
Kato N, Sato Y, Kamataki A, Fukase M, Uchigasaki S, Kurose A
Human pathology 86 32 - 37 2019年04月
病理と臨床 37 ( 1 ) 27 - 29 2019年01月
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 58 ( 4 ) 178 - 179 2019年
捺印細胞診が診断に有用であった骨表在性 Ewing 肉腫の 1 例
岡田 壮士, 加藤 哲子, 大鹿 周佐, 鎌滝 章央, 黒瀬 顕
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 58 ( 4 ) 178 - 179 2019年
Two siblings with familial neuroblastoma with distinct clinical phenotypes harboring an ALK germline mutation.
Ko Kudo, Hiroo Ueno, Tomohiko Sato, Kaori Kubo, Rika Kanezaki, Akie Kobayashi, Takuya Kamio, Shinya Sasaki, Kiminori Terui, Akira Kurose, Kenichi Yoshida, Yusuke Shiozawa, Tsutomu Toki, Seishi Ogawa, Etsuro Ito
Genes, chromosomes & cancer 57 ( 12 ) 665 - 669 2018年12月
PIK3CA hotspot mutations and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in ovarian clear cell carcinomas: a close association with stromal features.
Noriko Kato, Yuka Sato, Akihisa Kamataki, Masayuki Fukase, Shinya Uchigasaki, Akira Kurose
Human pathology 2018年11月