Papers - NIKAIDO Yoshikazu
猿田 賢也, 福徳 達宏, 熊谷 玄太郎, 和田 簡一郎, 浅利 享, 新戸部 陽士郎, 附田 愛美, 二階堂 義和, 上野 伸哉, 石橋 恭之
弘前医学 73 ( 1-4 ) 112 - 112 2023.3
Intraperitoneal Administration of Etizolam Improves Locomotor Function in Mice After Spinal Cord Injury.
Saruta K, Fukutoku T, Kumagai G, Nagaoki T, Tsukuda M, Nitobe Y, Wada K, Asari T, Fujita T, Sasaki I, Nikaido Y, Shimoyama S, Ueno S, Ishibashi Y
Neurotrauma reports 4 ( 1 ) 82 - 96 2023
Sulforaphane Increase Mitochondrial Biogenesis-Related Gene Expression in the Hippocampus and Suppresses Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Mice
Sunao Shimizu, Shuya Kasai, Hiromi Yamazaki, Yota TATARA, Junsei Mimura, Máté János Engler, Kunikazu Tanji, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Takuro Inoue, Hiroyuki Suganuma, Koichi Wakabayashi, Ken Itoh
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 ( 15 ) 2022.7
増山 望, 古川 智範, 二階堂 義和, 下山 修司, 能登谷 綾香, 上野 伸哉
日本生理学雑誌 84 ( 2 ) 36 - 36 2022.5
The role of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and iron homeostasis in object recognition impairment in aged sepsis-survivor rats.
Nikaido Y, Midorikawa Y, Furukawa T, Shimoyama S, Takekawa D, Kitayama M, Ueno S, Kushikata T, Hirota K
Scientific reports 12 ( 1 ) 249 2022.1
Impaired Cognitive Function and Hippocampal Changes Following Chronic Diazepam Treatment in Middle-Aged Mice.
Furukawa T, Nikaido Y, Shimoyama S, Masuyama N, Notoya A, Ueno S
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 13 777404 2021.11
Sex-Related Differences in Anxiety and Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice
Tatsuhiro Fukutoku, Gentaro Kumagai, Taku Fujita, Ayako Sasaki, Kanichiro Wada, Xizhe Liu, Toshihiro Tanaka, Hitoshi Kudo, Toru Asari, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Shinya Ueno, Yasuyuki Ishibashi
Journal of Neurotrauma 37 ( 21 ) 2235 - 2243 2020.11
Lower fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels are associated with depressive symptom in males: A population-based cross-sectional study.
Takekawa D, Kudo T, Saito J, Nikaido Y, Sawada K, Takanashi S, Hirota K
Psychiatry research 293 113453 2020.11
福徳 達宏, 熊谷 玄太郎, 藤田 拓, 佐々木 綾子, 和田 簡一郎, 工藤 整, 浅利 亨, 二階堂 義和, 上野 伸哉, 石橋 恭之
弘前医学 69 ( 1-4 ) 201 2019.3
藤田 拓, 熊谷 玄太郎, 和田 簡一郎, 工藤 整, 浅利 享, 平田 雅人, 兼松 隆, 二階堂 義和, 上野 伸哉, 石橋 恭之
移植 53 ( 6 ) 387 - 387 2019.3
福徳 達宏, 熊谷 玄太郎, 藤田 拓, 佐々木 綾子, 和田 簡一郎, 工藤 整, 浅利 享, 二階堂 義和, 上野 伸哉, 石橋 恭之
移植 53 ( 6 ) 387 - 387 2019.3
福徳 達宏, 熊谷 玄太郎, 藤田 拓, 佐々木 綾子, 和田 簡一郎, 工藤 整, 浅利 亨, 二階堂 義和, 上野 伸哉, 石橋 恭之
弘前医学 69 ( 1-4 ) 201 - 201 2019.3
Higher plasma leptin and lower C-peptide levels are associated with depression: A cross-sectional study.
Daiki Takekawa, Takashi Kudo, Junichi Saito, Futoshi Kimura, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Kaori Sawada, Norio Yasui-Furukori, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of affective disorders 243 70 - 74 2019.1
Chronic inflammatory pain induced GABAergic synaptic plasticity in the adult mouse anterior cingulate cortex.
Kohei Koga, Shuji Shimoyama, Akihiro Yamada, Tomonori Furukawa, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Hidemasa Furue, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Shinya Ueno
Molecular pain 14 1744806918783478 - 1744806918783478 2018.8
古川 智範, 下山 修司, 二階堂 義和, 古賀 浩平, 中村 和彦, 上野 伸哉
弘前医学 67 ( 2-4 ) 186 2017
〈一般演題抄録〉ジアゼパム長期投与マウスにおける脳内 Lcn2 発現および認知機能の解析
古川 智範, 二階堂 義和, 下山 修司, 三木 康生, 古賀 浩平, 中村 和彦, 若林 孝一, 上野 伸哉
弘前医学 68 ( 1 ) 88 2017
二階堂 義和, 古川 智範, 下山 修司, 古賀 浩平, 上野 伸哉
弘前医学 67 ( 2-4 ) 185 2017
cis-3-Hexenol and trans-2-hexenal mixture prevents development of PTSD-like phenotype in rats.
Yoshikazu Nikaido, Junko Yamada, Keisuke Migita, Yuko Shiba, Tomonori Furukawa, Toshihiro Nakashima, Shinya Ueno
Behavioural brain research 297 251 - 258 2016.1
GABA<sub>A</sub> 受容体応答の制御機構
上野 伸哉, 古川 智範, 二階堂 義和, 下山 修司, 柴 祐子, 山田 順子
弘前医学 66 ( 2-4 ) 105 - 109 2016
Spontaneous epileptic seizures in transgenic rats harboring a human ADNFLE missense mutation in the β2-subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Yuko Shiba, Fumiaki Mori, Junko Yamada, Keisuke Migita, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Koichi Wakabayashi, Sunao Kaneko, Motohiro Okada, Shinichi Hirose, Shinya Ueno
Neuroscience research 100 46 - 54 2015.11
p62 Deficiency Enhances α-Synuclein Pathology in Mice.
Kunikazu Tanji, Saori Odagiri, Yasuo Miki, Atsushi Maruyama, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Junsei Mimura, Fumiaki Mori, Eiji Warabi, Toru Yanagawa, Shinya Ueno, Ken Itoh, Koichi Wakabayashi
Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) 2014.10
Properties of a novel GABAA receptor γ2 subunit mutation associated with seizures.
Keisuke Migita, Junko Yamada, Yoshikazu Nikaido, XiuYu Shi, Sunao Kaneko, Shinichi Hirose, Shinya Ueno
Journal of pharmacological sciences 121 ( 1 ) 84 - 87 2013.1
Mixture of cis-3-hexenol and trans-2-hexenal attenuates behavioral and stress responses induced by 2,5-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline and electric footshock stress in rats.
Y Nikaido, S Miyata, T Nakashima
Physiology & behavior 103 ( 5 ) 547 - 556 2011.7
Different patterns of neuronal activities in the infralimbic and prelimbic cortices and behavioral expression in response to two affective odors, 2,5-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline and a mixture of cis-3-hexenol and trans-2-hexenal, in the freely moving rat.
Y Nikaido, T Nakashima
Behavioural brain research 218 ( 1 ) 218 - 227 2011.3
Localization of plasminogen in mouse hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and hypothalamus.
Yuki Taniguchi, Naoko Inoue, Shoko Morita, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Toshihiro Nakashima, Nobuo Nagai, Kiyotaka Okada, Osamu Matsuo, Seiji Miyata
Cell and tissue research 343 ( 2 ) 303 - 317 2011.2
Exposure to TMT odor affects adrenal sympathetic nerve activity and behavioral consequences in rats.
Yuko Horii, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Katsuya Nagai, Toshihiro Nakashima
Behavioural brain research 214 ( 2 ) 317 - 322 2010.12
Effects of environmental novelty on fear-related behavior and stress responses of rats to emotionally relevant odors.
Y Nikaido, T Nakashima
Behavioural brain research 199 ( 2 ) 241 - 246 2009.5