論文 - 森田 英嗣
Safety and immunogenicity of parvovirus B19 virus-like particle vaccine lacking phospholipase A2 activity.
Hidehiko Suzuki, Takafumi Noguchi, Noriko Matsugu, Akio Suzuki, Sakika Kimura, Misa Onishi, Mitsuyo Kosaka, Paola Miyazato, Eiji Morita, Hirotaka Ebina
Vaccine 40 ( 42 ) 6100 - 6106 2022年10月
Cellular ESCRT components are recruited to regulate the endocytic trafficking and RNA replication compartment assembly during classical swine fever virus infection.
Liu, CC., Liu, YY., Zhou, JF., Chen, X., Chen, H., Hu, JH., Chen, J., Zhang, J., Sun, RC., Wei, JC., Go, YY., Morita, E., Zhou, B.
PLoS pathogen 2022年02月
Expression of Zinc-finger antiviral protein in hCMEC/D3 human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells: effect of a Toll-like receptor 3 agonist.
Okudera, M., Odawara, M., Arakawa, M., Kawaguchi, S., Seya, K., Matsumiya, T., Sato, R., Ding, J., Morita, E., Imaizumi, T.
Neuroimmunomodulation 2021年12月
Fusion of parvovirus B19 receptor-binding domain and pneumococcal surface protein A induces protective immunity against parvovirus B19 and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Suzuki H, Noguchi T, Ogawa K, Miyazato P, Hatakeyama Y, Morita E, Ebina H
Vaccine 39 ( 36 ) 5146 - 5152 2021年08月
Membrane-Associated Flavivirus Replication Complex-Its Organization and Regulation.
Morita, E., Suzuki, Y.
Viruses. 13 ( 6 ) 1060 2021年06月
Efficient immunogenic peptide antigen delivery to dendritic cells using an ESCRT-mediated extracellular vesicle formation method.
Kimura S, Maeda K, Nagashima R, Miura K, Arakawa M, Ebina H, Tanaka N, Morita E
Vaccine 39 ( 22 ) 2976 - 2982 2021年04月
実験医学別冊 2020年09月
Anti-Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) Activity of Triterpenes and Flavonoids from Euphorbia hirta.
6. Tayone, WC., Ishida, K., Goto, S., Tayone, JC., Arakawa, M., Morita, E., and Hashimoto, M.
Philippine Journal of Science. 2020年09月
Split Nano Luciferase-based Assay to Measure Assembly of Japanese Encephalitis Virus.
Goto S, Ishida K, Suzuki R, Morita E
Bio-protocol 10 ( 9 ) e3606 2020年05月
医学のあゆみ 2020年01月
Split nano luciferase-based assay to measure assembly of Japanese encephalitis virus.
Goto, S., Ishida, K., Suzuki, R., Morita, E.
Bioprotocol. 2020年
森田 英嗣
実験医学別冊 決定版エクソソーム実験ガイド - 171 - 174 2020年
Functional Correlation between Subcellular Localizations of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Capsid Protein and Virus Production.
Ishida K, Goto S, Ishimura M, Amanuma M, Hara Y, Suzuki R, Katoh K, Morita E
Journal of virology 93 ( 19 ) 2019年10月
Functional Correlation between Subcellular Localizations of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Capsid Protein and Virus Production.
3. Ishida, K., Goto, S., Ishimura, M., Amanuma, M., Hara, Y., Suzuki, R., Katoh, K., Morita, E.
Journal of Virology 2019年07月
Flavivirus Replication Organelle Biogenesis in the Endoplasmic Reticulum: Comparison with Other Single-Stranded Positive-Sense RNA Viruses.
Arakawa, M., Morita, E.
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2019年05月
Flavivirus Replication Organelle Biogenesis in the Endoplasmic Reticulum: Comparison with Other Single-Stranded Positive-Sense RNA Viruses.
Arakawa M, Morita E
International journal of molecular sciences 20 ( 9 ) 2019年05月
Immuno-localization of ESCRT Proteins in Virus-Infected Cells by Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy.
Tabata K, Nara A, Omori H, Morita E
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1998 73 - 92 2019年
Membrane closure in stress induced-autophagosome formation.
Morita, E.
Cell Stress 2 ( 6 ) 122 - 124 2018年11月
Network-based analysis of host-pathogen interactions.
Tripathi, L.P., Chen, Y. A., Mizuguchi, K and Morita, E.
Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. ( 3 ) 932 - 937 2018年08月
森田 英嗣
生化学 89 ( 5 ) 744 - 747 2017年10月