論文 - 野口 智子
[Successful High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in a Patient with Myotonic Dystrophy during Perioperative Period].
Noguchi S, Saito J, Akaishi M, Ohta D, Hirota K
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 66 ( 3 ) 303 - 305 2017年03月
Usefulness of Temperature Gradient During Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Diagnosis of Misplacement of a Frozen Elephant Trunk.
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Eiji Hashiba, Futoshi Kimura, Tetsuya Kushikata, Ikuo Fukuda, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 31 ( 1 ) 266 - 269 2017年02月
野口 智子, 斎藤 淳一, 橋場 英二, 廣田 和美
Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2017年
櫛方 哲也, 外崎 充, 野口 智子, 松本 杏菜, 佐々木 亮, 廣田 和美
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 37 ( 2 ) 168 - 171 2017年
Lactate level during Cardiopulmonary Bypass as A Predictor of Postoperative Outcomes in Adult Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery.
Satoko Noguchi, Junichi Saito, Eiji Hashiba, Tetsuya Kushikata and Kazuyoshi Hirota
JA Clinical Reports 2016年11月
A case report of sudden thrombocytopenia detected only by in vitro analysis.
Satoko Noguchi, Masato Kitayama, Hidetomo Niwa, Yoshiko Tamai, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 30 ( 4 ) 720 - 722 2016年08月
野口 智子, 斎藤 淳一, 橋場 英二, 豊岡 憲太郎, 櫛方 哲也, 廣田 和美
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 23 ( 3 ) 339 - 340 2016年
Impact of robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy on the management of general anesthesia: efficacy of blood withdrawal during a steep Trendelenburg position.
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Anna Matsumoto, Kei Jinushi, Toshinori Kasai, Tomoyuki Kudo, Masahiro Sawada, Futoshi Kimura, Tetsuya Kushikata, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 29 ( 4 ) 487 - 491 2015年08月
[Anesthetic Management of Laparoscopic Nephrectomy for a Renal Cancer Patient with Distal Myopathy of Rimmed Vacuole].
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Anna Matsumoto, Kei Jinushi, Toshinori Kasai, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 64 ( 2 ) 164 - 167 2015年02月
[Case of urgent surgical cricothyrotomy in CICV situation during induction of anesthesia for hemostasis after tonsillectomy].
Satoko Noguchi, Futoshi Kimura, Takenori Sasaki, Anna Matsumoto, Toshinori Kasai, Kei Jinushi, Kazuyoshi Hirota, Hironori Ishihara
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 63 ( 10 ) 1122 - 1124 2014年10月