Papers - Kobayashi Fumihisa
Stability analysis of continuous culture in diauxic growth
Y.Nakamura, T.Sawada, F.Kobayashi, M.Ohnaga
Journal of fermentation and Bioengineering 81 ( 5 ) 429 - 436 1996.5
Effects of fungal pretreatment and steam explosion pretreatment on enzymatic saccharification of plant biomass
T.Sawada, Y.Nakamura, F.Kobayashi, M.Kuwahara, T.Watanabe
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 48 ( 6 ) 719 - 724 1995.12
Treatment of kraft pulp wastewater by using ozone and microorganisms in combination
T.Sawada M.Kuwahara Y.Nakamura F.Kobayashi H.Origasa M.Ohnaga
Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. On Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry 104 - 107 1995.5
Microbial degradation of organic acid formed from lignin by ozonolysis
Y.Nakamura T.Sawada F.Kobayashi T.Katada M.Kuwahara
Proc. of APBioChEC’94 486 - 488 1994.6
金沢大学大学院工学研究科物質化学工学専攻 1994.3
金沢大学大学院工学研究科物質化学工学専攻 1 - 132 1994.3