Papers - MAEDA Takuto
Enigmatic tsunami waves amplified by repetitive source events near Sofugan volcano, Japan
Sandanbata, O., Satake, K., Takemura, S., Watada, S., Maeda ,T., & Kubota, T.
Geophysical Research Letters 51 e2023GL106949 2024.1
天坂登宇伊, 前田拓人, 髙野智也
地震 76 93-107 2023.7
寶川瑠璃, 前田拓人, 髙野智也, 野口科子
地震 76 77-92 2023.7
Seismic scattering and absorption properties of Mars estimated through coda analysis on a long-period surface wave of S1222a marsquake
Onodera, K., Kawamura, T., Tanaka, S., Ishihara, Y., & Maeda, T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 e2022JE007558 2023.6
Estimation of source parameters using a non-Gaussian probability density function in a Bayesian framework
Yoshimitsu, N., Maeda, T., Sei, T.
Earth, Planets and Space 75 33 2023.3
東北地域災害科学研究 59 25 - 30 2023.3
東北地域災害科学研究 59 1 - 6 2023.3
Earthquake characteristics and structural properties of the Southern Tyrrhenian basin from full seismic wave simulations
Nardoni, C., De Siena, L., Magrini, F., Cammarano, F., Maeda, T., & Mattei, E.
Surveys in Geophysics 2023.2
Quantitative evaluation of the lunar seismic scattering and comparison between the Earth, Mars, and the Moon
Onodera, K., Kawamura, T., Tanaka, S., Ishihara, Y., & Maeda, T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 e2022JE007558 2022.12
前田拓人, 齊藤竜彦, 馬場俊孝
月刊地球 44 ( 8 ) 109 - 114 2022.8
岡田知己・中山貴史・平原 聡・立岩和也・堀内茂木・ 勝俣 啓・大園真子・小菅正裕・前田拓人・山中佳子・片尾 浩・松島 健・八木原寛・2011 年東北地方太平洋沖地震緊急観測グループ
東北地域災害科学研究 58 19 - 24 2022.3
S-wave modelling of the Showa-Shinzan lava dome in Usu Volcano, Northern Japan
Takeo, A., Nishida, K., Aoyama, H., Ishise, M., Kai, T., Kurihara, R., Maeda, T., Mizutani, Y., Nakashima, Y., Nagahara, S., Wang, X., Ye, L., Akuhara, T., and Aoki, Y.
Geophysical Journal International 230 ( 3 ) 1662 - 1678 2022
東北地域災害科学研究 57 109 - 114 2021.3
Numerical Simulation of Lunar Seismic Wave Propagation: Investigation of Subsurface Scattering Properties Near Apollo 12 Landing Site
Onodera, K., Kawamura, T., Tanaka, S., Ishihara, Y., and Maeda, T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 2021.2
An optimum 2D seismic-wavefield reconstruction in densely and nonuniformly distributed stations: The metropolitan seismic observation network in Japan
Shiina, T., Maeda, T., Kano, M., Kato, A., & Hirata, N.
Seismological Research Letters 2021.2
Migration diffusivity as a controlling factor in the duration of earthquake swarms
Amezawa, Y., Maeda, T., and Kosuga, M.
Earth, Planets and Space 73 ( 1 ) 148 2021
High-resolution source imaging based on time-reversal wave propagation simulations using assimilated dense seismic records.
Furumura, T., and Maeda, T.
Geophysical Journal International 2020.12
土井一生, 前田拓人, 釜井俊孝, 王功輝
応用地質 2020.12
大石裕介, 新出孝政, 山崎崇史, 牧野嶋文泰, 馬場俊孝, 前田拓人, 近貞直孝, 対馬弘晃, 高川智博
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 2020.11
Earthquake triggering model based on normal-stress-dependent Nagata law: application to the 2016 Mie offshore earthquake
Yoshida, S., Maeda, T., & Kato, N.
Earth, Planets and Space 72 ( 1 ) 141 2020.9