論文 - 立田 卓登
Influence of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of vincristine in adult patients receiving CHOP therapy.
Nakagawa J, Takahata T, Chen Y, Saito K, Kamata K, Tachita T, Yamashita S, Saito K, Ueno K, Sato A, Sakuraba H, Niioka T
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology 92 ( 5 ) 391 - 398 2023年11月
鎌田 耕輔, 山下 覚, 立田 卓登, 高畑 武功, 山形 和史, 玉井 佳子, 櫻庭 裕丈
臨床血液 64 ( 5 ) 433 - 433 2023年05月
Newly diagnosed extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, at the injected left arm after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
Tachita T, Takahata T, Yamashita S, Ebina T, Kamata K, Yamagata K, Tamai Y, Sakuraba H
International journal of hematology 118 ( 4 ) 1 - 5 2023年04月
Aberrant tryptophan metabolism leads to unfavorable outcomes in lenalidomide-treated myeloma patients.
Asano A, Ri M, Masaki A, Maeda Y, Tachita T, Hirade K, Marumo Y, Nakashima T, Hagiwara S, Kinoshita S, Suzuki T, Narita T, Kusumoto S, Komatsu H, Inagaki H, Iida S
Hematological oncology 41 ( 3 ) 424 - 433 2022年12月
<一般演題抄録> 当科における関節リウマチに合併した医原性免疫不全関連リンパ増殖性疾患の解析
小笠原 公平, 髙畑 武功, 立田 卓登, 鎌田 耕輔, 蓮井 桂介, 平賀 寛人, 櫻庭 裕丈, 山形 和史, 玉井 佳子, 福田 眞作
弘前医学 72 ( 1-4 ) 102 2022年
Volunteer unrelated donor cell-derived acute myeloid leukemia with RUNX1-RUNX1T1.
Hagiwara S, Kusumoto S, Ito A, Masaki A, Shiraga K, Tachita T, Hirade K, Oiwa K, Suzuki T, Kinoshita S, Ri M, Ito Y, Komatsu H, Inagaki H, Iida S
EJHaem 2 ( 2 ) 285 - 290 2021年05月
Genomic analysis of multiple myeloma using targeted capture sequencing in the Japanese cohort.
Kanamori T, Sanada M, Ri M, Ueno H, Nishijima D, Yasuda T, Tachita T, Narita T, Kusumoto S, Inagaki A, Ishihara R, Murakami Y, Kobayashi N, Shiozawa Y, Yoshida K, Nakagawa MM, Nannya Y, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Miyano S, Horibe K, Handa H, Ogawa S, Iida S
British journal of haematology 191 ( 5 ) 755 - 763 2020年12月
Expression, mutation, and methylation of cereblon-pathway genes at pre- and post-lenalidomide treatment in multiple myeloma.
Takuto Tachita, Shiori Kinoshita, Masaki Ri, Sho Aoki, Arisa Asano, Takashi Kanamori, Takashi Yoshida, Haruhito Totani, Asahi Ito, Shigeru Kusumoto, Hirokazu Komatsu, Kazufumi Yamagata, Kohmei Kubo, Masahiro Tohkin, Shinsaku Fukuda, Shinsuke Iida
Cancer science 111 ( 4 ) 1333 - 1343 2020年04月
Flotillin is a Novel Diagnostic Blood Marker of Alzheimer's Disease.
Abdullah M, Kimura N, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Ferdous T, Tachita T, Iida S, Zou K, Matsubara E, Michikawa M
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 72 ( 4 ) 1165 - 1176 2019年12月
Exophiala dermatitidis Fungemia Diagnosed Using Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry during Chemotherapy for Malignant Lymphoma and Successful Treatment with Voriconazole.
Yoshida T, Tachita T, Fujinami H, Oshima Y, Sasaki H, Marumo Y, Narita T, Ito A, Ri M, Kusumoto S, Ishida T, Komatsu H, Iida S
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 58 ( 15 ) 2219 - 2224 2019年08月
Impact of chromosomal abnormalities on the efficacy of lenalidomide plus dexamethasone treatment in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
Yoshida T, Ri M, Fujinami H, Oshima Y, Tachita T, Marumo Y, Sasaki H, Kinoshita S, Totani H, Narita T, Masaki A, Ito A, Kusumoto S, Ishida T, Komatsu H, Iida S
International journal of hematology 110 ( 2 ) 228 - 236 2019年08月
Expression analysis of two SLAM family receptors, SLAMF2 and SLAMF7, in patients with multiple myeloma.
Ashour R, Ri M, Aly SS, Yoshida T, Tachita T, Kanamori T, Aoki S, Kinoshita S, Narita T, Totani H, Masaki A, Ito A, Kusumoto S, Komatsu H, Mansour S, Elsaied AA, Iida S
International journal of hematology 110 ( 1 ) 69 - 76 2019年07月
[Richter syndrome successfully treated with ibrutinib monotherapy: two case reports].
Fujinami H, Kusumoto S, Masaki A, Ohshima Y, Tachita T, Sasaki H, Marumo Y, Yoshida T, Narita T, Ito A, Ri M, Komatsu H, Inagaki H, Iida S
[Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology 60 ( 10 ) 1462 - 1467 2019年