Can warming accelerate the decline of Odonata species in experimental paddies due to insecticide fipronil exposure?
Naoto Ishiwaka, Koya Hashimoto, Masayoshi K. Hiraiwa, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Taku Kadoya, Daisuke Hayasaka
Environmental Pollution 341 122831 - 122831 2024.1
Global warming intensifies the interference competition by a poleward-expanding invader on a native dragonfly species
Koki Nagano, Masayoshi K. Hiraiwa, Naoto Ishiwaka, Yugo Seko, Koya Hashimoto, Taizo Uchida, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Daisuke Hayasaka
Royal Society Open Science 10 ( 11 ) 230449 2023.11
Asymmetric interactions between two butterfly species mediated by food demand.
Koya Hashimoto, Takayuki Ohgushi
Ecology and evolution 13 ( 6 ) e10164 2023.6
Severe disturbance overflows the stabilizing buffer of variable biotic interactions
Koya Hashimoto, Daisuke Hayasaka, Yuji Eguchi, Yugo Seko, Ji Cai, Koichi Goka, Taku Kadoya
bioRxiv 2021.12
Dry-Heat Tolerance of Egg Sacs of Invasive Latrodectus Spiders (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Japan: Implications for Efficient Control/Extermination
Daisuke Hayasaka, Takuya Nakamori, Kazunori Tamaue, Yugo Seko, Koya Hashimoto, Takuo Sawahata
Journal of Economic Entomology 114 ( 6 ) 2460 - 2465 2021.12
Fundamental resource specialization of herbivorous butterflies decreases towards lower latitudes
Ryosuke Nakadai, Tommi Nyman, Koya Hashimoto, Takaya Iwasaki, Anu Valtonen
Journal of Biogeography 48 ( 10 ) 2524 - 2537 2021.8
Legacy of pre‐eruption vegetation affects ground‐dwelling arthropod communities after different types of volcanic disturbance
Kyohei Iida, Daisuke Hayasaka, Yuya Suzuki, Taizo Uchida, Takuo Sawahata, Koya Hashimoto
Ecology and Evolution 11 ( 13 ) 9110 - 9122 2021.6
Intraspecific differences in the invasion success of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr are associated with diet breadth
Yugo Seko, Koya Hashimoto, Keisuke Koba, Daisuke Hayasaka, Takuo Sawahata
Scientific Reports 11 ( 1 ) 2874 2021.2
Long-term monitoring reveals among-year consistency in the ecological impacts of insecticides on animal communities in paddies
Koya Hashimoto, Atsushi Kasai, Daisuke Hayasaka, Koichi Goka, Takehiko I. Hayashi
Ecological Indicators 113 106227 2020.6
Seed germination characteristics of invasive Spartina alterniflora Loisel in Japan: implications for its effective management
Daisuke Hayasaka, Moe Nakagawa, Yu Maebara, Tomohiro Kurazono, Koya Hashimoto
Scientific Reports 10 2116 2020.2
Dataset of forewing length of Japanese and Taiwanese butterfly species.
Ryosuke Nakadai, Takuya Kobayashi, Koya Hashimoto
Ecological Research 35 ( 5 ) 780 - 786 2020
A survey of the avifauna of Kuchinoerabu-jima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, the first since the 1970s.
Seika Takatsuka, Kyohei Iida, Koya Hashimoto, Minori Matsuya, Takuo Sawahata, Daisuke Hayasaka
Japanese Journal of Ornithology 68 ( 2 ) 357 - 365 2019
Search for the eradication techniques on the noxious liana kudzu (Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi) in consideration of cut-slope vegetation recovery
Atsushi Nishino, Yu Maebara, Koya Hashimoto, Taizo Uchida, Daisuke Hayasaka
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 44 596 - 605 2019
Effects of a herbicide on paddy predatory insects depend on their microhabitat use and an insecticide application
Koya Hashimoto, Yuji Eguchi, Hiroki Oishi, Yuhei Tazunoki, Makoto Tokuda, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Koichi Goka, Daisuke Hayasaka
Ecological Applications 29 ( 6 ) e01945 2019
Community responses of aquatic insects in paddy mesocosms to repeated exposures of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid and dinotefuran
Daisuke Hayasaka, Koji Kobashi, Koya Hashimoto
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 175 272 - 281 2019
Geographical co-occurrence of butterfly species: The importance of niche filtering by host plant species
Ryosuke Nakadai, Koya Hashimoto, Takaya Iwasaki, Yasuhiro Sato
Oecologia 186 995 - 1005 2018
How do two specialist butterflies determine growth and biomass of a shared host plant?
Koya Hashimoto, Takayuki Ohgushi
POPULATION ECOLOGY 59 ( 1 ) 17 - 27 2017.1