論文 - 松坂 方士
MS18-1 ハウスダスト感作が花粉抗原感作に及ぼす影響 : 岩木健康増進プロジェクトの結果から(MS18 アレルギー性鼻炎/花粉症2,ミニシンポジウム,第23回日本アレルギー学会春季臨床大会)
松原 篤, 西澤 尚徳, 高畑 淳子, 白崎 隆, 松坂 方士, 高橋 一平, 檀上 和真, 梅田 孝, 中路 重之
アレルギー 60 ( 3-4 ) 436 2011年
西村 美八, 檀上 和真, 松坂 方士, 津谷 亮佑, 倉内 静香, 古川 照美, 高橋 一平, 梅田 孝, 兼板 佳孝, 大井田 隆, 中路 重之
弘前医学 62 ( 1 ) 34 - 43 2011年
一戸とも子, 五十嵐世津子, 中路重之, 梅田孝, 高橋一平, 松坂方士, 菅原典夫, 檀上和真
体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌 20 63 - 70 2010年12月
Association between concentration of trace elements in serum and bronchial asthma among Japanese general population
Urushidate S, Matsuzaka M, Okubo N, Iwasaki H, Hasebe T, Tsuya R, Iwane K, Inoue R, Yamai K, Danjo K, Takahashi I, Umeda T, Ando S, Itai K, Nakaji S
J Trace Elem Med Biol 24 236 - 242 2010年10月
Effects of 2 Hour Training on the Appearance of Physical and Mental Fatigue in Professional Soccer Players
Suda Y, Yamai K, Umeda T, Takahashi I, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Totsuka M, Nakaji S
Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology 20 11 - 20 2010年10月
Insomnia symptoms associated with hyperglycemia
Nakajima Hiromi, Kaneita Yoshitaka, Yokoyama Eise, Tamaki Tetsuo, Munezawa Takeshi, Matsuzaka Masashi, Danjo Kazuma, Takahashi Ippei, Umeda Takashi, Nakaji Shigeyuki, Ohida Takashi
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 8 ( 3 ) 203 - 211 2010年07月
Comparison of ankle-brachial pressure index and pulse wave velocity as markers of cognitive function in a community-dwelling population
Sugawara N, Yasui-Furukori N, Umeda T, Kaneda A, Sato Y, Takahashi I, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Nakaji S, Kaneko S
BMC Psychiatry 10 2010年06月
Comparison of ankle-brachial pressure index and pulse wave velocity as markers of cognitive function in a community-dwelling population.
Sugawara N, Yasui-Furukori N, Umeda T, Kaneda A, Sato Y, Takahashi I, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Nakaji S, Kaneko S
BMC psychiatry 10 46 2010年06月
The relationship between exhaled carbon monoxide and human neutrophil function in the Japanese general population
Mikami M, Takahashi I, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Yamai K, Inoue R, Iwane K, Umeda T, Nakaji S
Luminescence 26 162 - 166 2010年05月
Smoking habits and health-related quality of life in a rural Japanese population
Funahashi K, Takahashi I, Danjo K, Matsuzaka M, Umeda T, Nakaji S.
Qual Life Res 20 199 - 204 2010年03月
Knee osteoarthritis, knee joint pain and aging in relation to increasing serum hyaluronan level in the Japanese population
Inoue R, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Yamamoto Y, Matsuzaka M, Takahashi I, Danjo K, Umeda T, Nakaji S, Toh S
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 19 51 - 57 2010年01月
Association between concentration of trace elements in serum and bronchial asthma among Japanese general population.
Urushidate S, Matsuzaka M, Okubo N, Iwasaki H, Hasebe T, Tsuya R, Iwane K, Inoue R, Yamai K, Danjo K, Takahashi I, Umeda T, Ando S, Itai K, Nakaji S
Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) 24 ( 4 ) 236 - 242 2010年
The relationship between exhaled carbon monoxide and human neutrophil function in the Japanese general population
松坂 方士
The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence 25(未定(印刷中)) 2010年
Relationship between respiratory function and body composition among the Japanese general population
Hirakawa Y, Danjo K, Matsuzaka M, Takahashi I, Umeda T, Tsukamoto T, Ishikawa A, Nakaji S
Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology 19 239 - 244 2009年12月
The relationship between physical function and body composition/exercise habit among community-dwelling women.
Kamitani H, Danjo K, Matsuzaka M, Yamai K, Iwasaki H, Takahashi I, Umeda T, Totsuka M, Nakaji S
Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology 19 233 - 238 2009年12月
Influence of obesity on neutrophil function
Urushidate S, Takahashi I, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Umeda T, Inoue R, Yamai K, Nakaji S
Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology 19 245 - 251 2009年12月
檀上和真, 梅田孝, 岩根かほり, 岩崎宏貴, 長谷部達也, 津谷亮佑, 井上亮, 山居聖典, 松坂方士, 高橋一平, 中路重之
青森県スポーツ医学研究会誌 18 1 - 4 2009年12月
Effects of 2.5-hour sumo training on serum opsonic activity
Kojima A, Umeda T, Saito K, Ookubo Y, Sato J, Nakaji S, Matsuzaka M, Yaegaki M, Ohnishi M, Miyazawa M, Takahashi I
Luminescence 24 224 - 229 2009年07月
Effects of 2.5-hour sumo training on serum opsonic activity.
Kojima A, Umeda T, Saito K, Ookubo Y, Sato J, Nakaji S, Matsuzaka M, Yaegaki M, Ohnishi M, Miyazawa M, Takahashi I
Luminescence : the journal of biological and chemical luminescence 24 ( 4 ) 224 - 229 2009年07月
Comparison of a stool antigen test and serology for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in mass survey
Shimoyama T, Oyama T, Matsuzaka M, Danjo K, Nakaji S, Fukuda S
Helicobacter 14 87 - 90 2009年04月