Papers - ISHIBASHI Yasuyuki
Incidence and radiologic predictor of postoperative patellar instability after Fulkerson procedure of the tibial tuberosity for recurrent patellar dislocation
Tsuda E, Ishibashi Y, Yamamoto Y, Maeda S:
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 20 2058 - 2066 2012.10
The femoral insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament: discrepancy between macroscopic and histological observations
Sasaki N, Ishibashi Y, TsudaE, YamamotoY, MaedaS, Mizukami H, Toh S, Yagihashi Y, Tonosaki Y
Arthroscopy 28 1135 - 1146 2012.8
Post injury changes in the properties of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human anterior cruciate ligaments
Nohmi S, Yamamoto Y, Mizukami H, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Maniwa K, Yagihashi S, Motomura S, Toh S, Furukawa KI
Int Orthop 36 1515 - 1522 2012.7
Biomechanical comparison between single-bundle and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon under cyclic loading condition
Nohmi S, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Yamamoto Y, Tsukada H, Toh S
Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol 4 23 2012.7
Potential of exogenous cartilage proteoglycan as a new material for cartilage regeneration
Ohshika S, Ishibashi Y, Kon A, Kusumi T, Kijima H, Toh S
Int Orthop 36 869 - 877 2012.5
Development of a wireless inertial measurement system for pitching motion analysis
Kitamura S, Sagawa K, Tsukamoto T, Ishibashi Y
Advanced Engineering Forum 2-3 452 - 457 2012.4
日本機械学会論文集 78 352 - 361 2012.4
関節外科 31 310 - 316 2012.3
地域検診における股関節cross-over sign、posterior wall signと胸椎・腰椎・骨盤アライメントとの関連femoroacetabular impingementのX線指標として
大石裕誉, 中村吉秀, 岸谷正樹, 井上亮, 岩崎宏貴, 石橋恭之, 藤哲, 梅田孝, 中路重之
整形外科 62 ( 1307 ) 1312 2012.3
Biomechanical Evaluation of an Anatomic Double-Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Tsukada H, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Fukuda A, Yamamoto Y, Toh S
Arthroscopy 28 264 - 271 2012.2
Increased knee valgus alignment and moment during single-leg landing after overhead stroke as a potential risk factor of anterior cruciate ligament injury in badminton
Kimura Y, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Yamamoto Y, Hayashi Y, Sato S
Br J Sports Med 46 207 - 213 2012.2
2. 井上亮, 佐々木英嗣, 石橋恭之, 中路重之, 梅田孝: 変形性膝関節症の疫学 変形性膝関節症の発生要因および予防に関する疫学的研究
井上亮, 佐々木英嗣, 石橋恭之, 中路重之, 梅田孝
Bone Joint Nerve 2 11 - 18 2012.1
Medical problems and risk factors of metabolic syndrome among radiographic knee osteoarthritis patients in the Japanese general population
Inoue R, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Yamamoto Y, Matsuzaka M, Takahashi I, Danjo K, Umeda T, Nakaji S, Toh S
J Orthop Sci 16 704 - 709 2011.11
日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 19 43 - 49 2011.11
臨床バイオメカニクス 32 65 - 70 2011.10
Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation for Advanced Stage Freiberg Disease in Adolescent Athletes: A Report of 3 Cases and Surgical Procedures
Tsuda E, Ishibashi Y, Yamamoto Y, Maeda S, Kimura Y, Sato H
Am J Sports Med 39 2470 - 2475 2011.10
後十字靱帯温存型人工膝関節置換術の関節ギャップ計測 -膝蓋大腿関節整復の影響-
臨床バイオメカニクス 32 335 - 338 2011.10
後十字靱帯温存型人工膝関節置換術のナビゲーションによる関節ギャップ計測 -大腿骨骨切り前後の比較-
臨床バイオメカニクス 32 323 - 328 2011.10
Intraoperative navigation evaluation of tibial translation after resection of anterior cruciate ligament remnants
Maeda S, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Yamamoto Y, Toh S
Arthroscopy 27 1203 - 1210 2011.9
日本人における変形性指節間関節症の分布・頻度および発生因子 岩木地区の分析より
岩崎弘英, 湯川昌広, 石橋恭之, 藤哲, 中路重之, 梅田孝
整形・災害外科 54 1295 - 1300 2011.8