Localization of sense and antisense transcripts of Prdx2 gene in mouse tissues.
Chiba M, Kubo M, Miura T, Sato T, Rezaeian AH, Kiyosawa H, Ohkohchi N, Yasue H.
Cytogenet Genome Research 121 ( 3-4 ) 222 - 231 2008.8
Apple procyanidins induce tumor cell apoptosis through mitochondrial pathway activation of caspase-3.
Miura T, Chiba M, Kasai K, Nozaka H, Nakamura T, Shoji T, Kanda T, Ohtake Y, Sato T
Carcinogenesis 29 ( 3 ) 585 - 93 2008.3
Expression of HER-2/neu splice variants in the human breast cancer cells.
Arai C, Miura T, Kasai K, Chiba M, Nozaka H, Kazama R, Muramatsu A,Sato T
Modern Pathology 21 ( S1 ) 19A - 19A 2008.1
HER-2/neu splicing variant expression in human breast cancer : Comparison of RT-PCR and Immunohistochemistry and Fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Nozaka H, Kazama R, Kouga H, Muramatsu A, Arai C, Zheng Z, Miura T, Kasai K, Sato T, Okusawa E, Katayama Y, Uesugi N, Sugai T,Nakamura S.
Modern Patholog 21 ( S1 ) 47A - 47A 2008.1
Expression of HER-2/neu splice variants in the human breast cancer cells
Arai C., Miura T., Kasai K., Chiba M., Nozaka H., Kazama R., Muramatsu A., Sato T.
MODERN PATHOLOGY 21 19A - 20A 2008.1
HER-2/neu splicing variant expression in human breast cancer: Comparison of RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization
Nozoka H., Kazama R., Konga H., Muramatsu A., Arai C., Zeng Z., Miura T., Kasai K., Sato T., Okusawa E., Katayama Y., Uesugi N., Sugai T., Narakamura S.
Localization of sense and antisense transcripts of Prdx2 gene in mouse tissues
Chiba M., Kubo M., Miura T., Sato T., Rezaeian A. H., Kiyosawa H., Ohkohchi N., Yasue H.
CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH 121 ( 3-4 ) 222 - 231 2008
Suppression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 by 4-methylumbelliferone.
Nakamura R, Kuwabara H, Yoneda M, Yoshihara S, Ishikawa T, Miura T, Nozaka H, Nanashima N, Sato T, Nakamura T.
Cell biology international 31 ( 9 ) 1022 - 1026 2007.9
Development of high-speed virtual slides imaging system in histopathology.
Miura T, Nozaka H, Muramatsu A, Kazama R, Sato T, Katsura N, Ishii A, Miura H, Zheng Z, Takamatsu T, Nakamura S.
World Congress of Pathology Informatics 2007 bid 011 - bid 011 2007.8
病理検査の進歩 バーチャルスライド作製システムの開発とその活用
佐藤達資, 三浦富智, 野坂大喜, 中村眞一, 方山揚誠, 鄭衆喜, 高松輝賢
臨床病理 54 ( 4 ) 344 - 350 2007.4
[Progression in diagnostic pathology; development of virtual microscopy and its applications].
Sato T, Miura T, Nozaka H, Katayama Y, Moriuchi A, Nakamura S, Zheng Z, Takamatsu T
Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology 55 ( 4 ) 344 - 50 2007.4
村松篤, 近藤潤, 須藤美穂子, 千葉満, 野坂大喜, 三浦富智, 高松輝賢, 佐藤達資
弘前大学医学部保健学科紀要 6 141 - 150 2007.2
Nanashima Naoki, Ishikawa Takashi, Miura Tomisato, Nozaka Hiroyuki, Sato Tatsusuke, Nakamura Toshiya
Bulletin of Health Sciences Hirosaki 6 135 - 139 2007
病理検査の進歩 : バーチャルスライド作製システムの開発とその活用
佐藤 達資, 三浦 富智, 野坂 大喜, 中村 眞一, 方山 揚誠, 鄭 衆喜, 高松 輝賢
The analysis of apoptosis mechanism by the apple procyanidins in the mouse mammary tumor cells.
Miura T, Chiba M, Kasai K, Nozaka H, Toshihiko Shoji T, Kanda K, Otake Y, Sato T.
Polyphenols Communications 2006 547 - 548 2006.8
村松篤, 近藤潤, 千葉満, 須藤美穂子, 野坂大喜, 三浦富智, 佐藤達資, 高松輝賢.
弘前大学医学部保健学科紀要 6 141 - 150 2006.2
Alteration of MMP and TIMP expression in human skin fibroblasts under acidic culture conditions.
Nanashima N, Ishikawa T, Miura T, Nozaka H, Sato T, Nakamura T.
弘前大学医学部保健学科紀要 6 135 - 139 2006.2
川口順三, 野坂大喜, 三浦富智, 佐藤達資, 高松輝賢
細胞 37 ( 13 ) 546 - 549 2005.11
Enzymatic detection of precursor cell populations of preneoplastic foci positive for gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in rat liver.
Satoh K, Takahashi G, Miura T, Hayakari M, Hatayama I
International journal of cancer 115 ( 5 ) 711 - 6 2005.7
野坂大喜, 佐藤達資, 三浦富智, 中村敏也, 石川孝,高松輝賢
医療情報学 24 1054 - 1055 2004.11