論文 - 照井 君典
Landscape of driver mutations and their clinical effects on Down syndrome-related myeloid neoplasms.
Sato T, Yoshida K, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Terui K, Saiki R, Ojima M, Ochi Y, Mizuno S, Yoshihara M, Uechi T, Kenmochi N, Tanaka S, Matsubayashi J, Kisai K, Kudo K, Yuzawa K, Takahashi Y, Tanaka T, Yamamoto Y, Kobayashi A, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Muramatsu H, Hama A, Hasegawa D, Sato A, Koh K, Karakawa S, Kobayashi M, Hara J, Taneyama Y, Imai C, Hasegawa D, Fujita N, Yoshitomi M, Iwamoto S, Yamato G, Saida S, Kiyokawa N, Deguchi T, Ito M, Matsuo H, Adachi S Prof, Hayashi Y, Taga T, Moriya Saito A, Horibe K, Watanabe K, Tomizawa D, Miyano S, Takahashi S, Ogawa S, Ito E
Blood 2024年03月
Analysis of overweight/obese pediatric patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group AML-05 study.
Sano H, Fukushima K, Yano M, Osone S, Kato Y, Hasegawa D, Miyamura T, Iwamoto S, Takahashi H, Terui K, Tawa A, Tomizawa D
International journal of hematology 2024年03月
Transient erythroblastopenia due to a GATA1 variant in an infant female.
Yamashita M, Tomoda T, Mizuo A, Isoda T, Egawa M, Yoshida M, Toki T, Kudo K, Terui K, Ito E, Morio T, Takagi M
Pediatric blood & cancer 71 ( 3 ) e30834 2024年03月
Antileukemic effect of azacitidine, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, on cell lines of myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome.
Tanaka T, Kudo K, Kanezaki R, Yuzawa K, Toki T, Okuse R, Kobayashi A, Sato T, Kamio T, Terui K, Ito E
Experimental hematology 104179 2024年02月
Be aware of severe juvenile chronic iridocyclitis without evidence of arthritis: Juvenile chronic iridocyclitis revisited.
Tokutake H, Hashimoto S, Fujita M, Tsugawa K, Terui K, Kudo A, Tanaka H
International journal of rheumatic diseases 27 ( 1 ) e14913 2024年01月
High-dose cytarabine induction therapy and flow cytometric measurable residual disease monitoring for children with acute myeloid leukemia.
Tomizawa D, Matsubayashi J, Iwamoto S, Hiramatsu H, Hasegawa D, Moritake H, Hasegawa D, Terui K, Hama A, Tsujimoto SI, Kiyokawa N, Miyachi H, Deguchi T, Hashii Y, Iijima-Yamashita Y, Taki T, Noguchi Y, Koike K, Koh K, Yuza Y, Moriya Saito A, Horibe K, Taga T, Tanaka S, Adachi S
Leukemia 38 ( 1 ) 202 - 206 2024年01月
Early chemotherapeutic intervention to avoid thyroidectomy in pediatric Langerhans cell histiocytosis with thyroid involvement accompanying tracheal stenosis: a report of two cases.
Aoyama S, Fukuoka K, Kubota H, Narita K, Kudo K, Mitani Y, Oshima K, Mori M, Arakawa Y, Ichimura K, Terui K, Tanami Y, Kawashima H, Nakazawa A, Niitsu T, Takahashi Y, Koh K
International journal of hematology 119 ( 1 ) 99 - 103 2024年01月
Expression of interferon-stimulated gene 20 (ISG20), an antiviral effector protein, in glomerular endothelial cells: possible involvement of ISG20 in lupus nephritis.
Karasawa T, Sato R, Imaizumi T, Fujita M, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Mattinzoli D, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Terui K, Joh K, Tanaka H
Renal failure 45 ( 1 ) 2224890 2023年12月
Spontaneous remission of skull Langerhans cell histiocytosis that had developed by repeated head injury: illustrative case.
Ueno K, Katayama K, Mizukami A, Nomura Y, Watanabe R, Sasaki T, Kinoshita S, Fujiwara N, Kakuta K, Morita T, Kamio T, Kudo K, Asano K, Terui K, Kurose A, Saito A
Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons 6 ( 8 ) 2023年08月
Early-onset Marfan syndrome with a novel missense mutation: A case report.
Soma K, Kitagawa Y, Toki T, Miura F, Shimada J, Sato T, Kudo K, Otani K, Takahashi T, Terui K
Journal of cardiology cases 27 ( 6 ) 283 - 286 2023年06月
[Four Cases Who Experienced Extravasation of Anthracyclines and Had Dexrazoxane Therapy].
Takahata T, Sato A, Terui K, Nakagawa J, Hyodo R, Awatsu A, Abo E, Hasui K, Chen Y, Saito K, Sasaki K
Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50 ( 4 ) 467 - 471 2023年04月
梅津 英典, 伊東 竜也, 山本 達也, 照井 君典, 福島 崇彰
日本小児科学会雑誌 127 ( 4 ) 663 - 664 2023年04月
山本 洋平, 山本 達也, 土岐 力, 奥瀬 諒, 伊東 竜也, 梅津 英典, 工藤 耕, 伊藤 悦朗, 照井 君典, 品川 友江, 浅利 有紗, 藤田 浩史
日本小児科学会雑誌 127 ( 4 ) 664 - 664 2023年04月
伊東 竜也, 梅津 英典, 山本 達也, 照井 君典
脳と発達 55 ( 1 ) 69 - 69 2023年01月
Glomerular endothelial expression of type I IFN-stimulated gene, DExD/H-Box helicase 60 via toll-like receptor 3 signaling: possible involvement in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis.
Karasawa T, Sato R, Imaizumi T, Hashimoto S, Fujita M, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Terui K, Tanaka H
Renal failure 44 ( 1 ) 137 - 145 2022年12月
Mechanism of KIT gene regulation by GATA1 lacking the N-terminal domain in Down syndrome-related myeloid disorders.
Kanezaki R, Toki T, Terui K, Sato T, Kobayashi A, Kudo K, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Kawaguchi K, Watanabe K, Ito E
Scientific reports 12 ( 1 ) 20587 - 20587 2022年11月
A phase III clinical trial evaluating efficacy and safety of minimal residual disease-based risk stratification for children with acute myeloid leukemia, incorporating a randomized study of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in combination with post-induction chemotherapy for non-low-risk patients (JPLSG-AML-20).
Tomizawa D, Tsujimoto SI, Tanaka S, Matsubayashi J, Aoki T, Iwamoto S, Hasegawa D, Nagai K, Nakashima K, Kawaguchi K, Deguchi T, Kiyokawa N, Ohki K, Hiramatsu H, Shiba N, Terui K, Saito AM, Kato M, Taga T, Koshinaga T, Adachi S
Japanese journal of clinical oncology 52 ( 10 ) 1225 - 1231 2022年10月
山本 達也, 伊東 竜也, 梅津 英典, 八木 弘子, 高橋 徹, 照井 君典, 丹代 諭
日本小児科学会雑誌 126 ( 8 ) 1202 - 1202 2022年08月
山本 達也, 黒瀧 奎吾, 梅津 英典, 伊東 竜也, 八木 弘子, 照井 君典, 町田 佳織
脳と発達 54 ( 4 ) 286 - 286 2022年07月
梅津 英典, 伊東 竜也, 山本 達也, 福島 崇彰, 照井 君典
脳と発達 54 ( Suppl. ) S232 - S232 2022年05月