論文 - 津田 英一
The effect of soft-tissue graft fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on graft-tunnel motion under anterior tibial loading.
Eiichi Tsuda, Yukihisa Fukuda, John C Loh, Richard E Debski, Freddie H Fu, Savio L-Y Woo
Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 18 ( 9 ) 960 - 967 2002年11月
Lateral patellar retinaculum tension in patellar instability.
Yasuyuki Ishibashi, Yoshihisa Okamura, Hironori Otsuka, Eiichi Tsuda, Satoshi Toh
Clinical orthopaedics and related research ( 397 ) 362 - 369 2002年04月
Techniques for reducing anterior knee symptoms after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft.
Eiichi Tsuda, Yoshihisa Okamura, Yasuyuki Ishibashi, Hironori Otsuka, Satoshi Toh
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 29 450 - 456 2001年05月
Direct evidence of the anterior cruciate ligament-hamstring reflex arc in humans.
E Tsuda, Y Okamura, H Otsuka, T Komatsu, S Tokuya
The American journal of sports medicine 29 ( 1 ) 83 - 87 2001年01月