論文 - 北山 眞任
Impact of the combination of abdominal peripheral nerve block and neuromuscular blockade on the surgical space during robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery: a prospective randomized controlled study.
Noguchi S, Saito J, Nakai K, Kitayama M, Hirota K
J Anesth 2024年02月
Video versus ultrasound pupillometry for detecting increased pupillary diameters due to nociceptive stimuli: a prospective observational study.
J Anesth 2024年01月
Anesthetic management of external iliac artery transection in a morbidly obese patient with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome: a case report.
13 ( 9 ) 8 - 8 2023年04月
Two cases of circulatory collapse due to suspected remimazolam anaphylaxis.
The role of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and iron homeostasis in object recognition impairment in aged sepsis- survivor rats.
Nikaido Y, Midorikawa Y, Furukawa T, Shimoyama S, Takekawa D, Kitayama M, Ueno S, Kushikata T, Hirota K.
Sci Rep 7 ( 12 ) 249 2022年01月
Intra-operative intravascular effect of the difference in colloid solutions during acute normovolemic hemodilution.
Midorikawa Y, Saito J, Kitayama M, Toyooka K, Hirota K.
13 ( 7 ) 70 - 70 2021年09月
ペインクリニック 42 ( 9 ) 2021年09月
Clotting functional stability of withdrawing blood in storage for acute normovolemic hemodilution: a pilot study.
Kinoshita H, Saito J, Nakai K, Noguchi S, Takekawa D, Tamai Y, Kitayama M, Hirota K.
J Anesth 2021年02月
Acute normovolemic hemodilution and acute kidney injury after open abdominal cancer surgery.
Mikami N, Saito J, Ohyama T, Kubota M, Noguchi S, Kitayama M, Hirota K
J Clin Anesth 2019年11月
The efficacy of acute normovolemic hemodilution for preventing perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion in gynecological cancer patients.
Saito J, Masui K, Noguchi S, Nakai K, Tamai Y, Midorikawa Y, Kinoshita H, Mikami N, Kitayama M, Hashimoto H, Hirota K.
J Clin Anesth 2019年08月
Anesthetic management of a patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy by combination of total intravenous and regional anesthesia.
Takekawa D, Nakai K, Kinoshita H, Saito J, Kitayama M, Kushikata T, Hirota K.
JA Clin Rep. 2019年05月
Factors affecting phantom limb pain in patients undergoing amputation: retrospective study.
Satoko Noguchi, Junichi Saito, Kishiko Nakai, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 2019年04月
Efficacy of abdominal peripheral nerve block and caudal block during robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery: a retrospective clinical study.
Satoko Noguchi, Junichi Saito, Kishiko Nakai, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 33 ( 1 ) 103 - 107 2019年02月
Significance of preoperative butyrylcholinesterase level as an independent predictor of survival in patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma treated with nephroureterectomy.
Daisuke Noro, Takuya Koie, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Toshikazu Tanaka, Chikara Ohyama, Yuki Tobisawa, Tohru Yoneyama, Atsushi Imai, Shingo Hatakeyama, Hayato Yamamoto, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Japanese journal of clinical oncology 48 ( 2 ) 184 - 189 2018年02月
Anesthetic management of a patient with narcolepsy by combination of total intravenous and regional anesthesia: a case report.
Daiki Takekawa, Tetsuya Kushikata, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
JA clinical reports 3 ( 1 ) 37 - 37 2017年07月
Rebound hyperkalemia after cessation of ritodrine in a parturient undergoing cesarean section.
Daiki Takekawa, Kei Jinushi, Masato Kitayama, Kazuyoshi Hirota
JA clinical reports 3 ( 1 ) 3 - 3 2017年01月
Interference with pulse oximetry by the Stealth Station™ Image Guidance System.
Junichi Saito, Masato Kitayama, Ryutaro Kato, Kazuyoshi Hirota
JA clinical reports 3 ( 1 ) 6 - 6 2017年01月
Significance of preoperative butyrylcholinesterase as an independent predictor of biochemical recurrence-free survival in patients with prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy.
Koie T, Ohyama C, Hatakeyama S, Imai A, Yoneyama T, Hashimoto Y, Yoneyama T, Tobisawa Y, Hosogoe S, Yamamoto H, Kitayama M, Hirota K
Int J Clin Oncol 2015年06月
Ultrasound-guided lumbar retrolaminar block for acute lumbar trauma.
Yoshida H, Yaguchi S, Chiba N, Kitayama M, Hanada H
Anaesth Intensive Care 43 ( 4 ) 258 - 259 2015年06月
A modified paravertebral block to reduce risk of mortality in a patient with multiple rib fractures.
Yoshida H, Yaguchi S, Matsumoto A, Hanada H, Niwa H, Kitayama M.
Am J Emerg Med. 2015年05月
The accuracy of non-invasively continuous total hemoglobin measurement by pulse CO-Oximetry undergoing acute normovolemic hemodilution and reinfusion of autologous blood.
Saito J, Kitayama M, Oishi M, Kudo T, Sawada M, Hashimoto H, Hirota K.
J Anesth. 2015年02月
前負荷の 指標として Stroke Volume Variation(SVV)の有用性の検討-ぶどう糖初期分布容量 との比較-.
髙田典和, 北山 眞任, 西村 雅之, 葛西 俊範, 大石 将文, 廣田 和美.
臨床麻酔 2015年02月
斎藤淳一, 野口智子, 松本杏奈, 地主継, 葛西俊範, 北山眞任, 廣田和美
麻酔 2015年02月
Plasma ropivacaine concentrations after ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block for open retropubic prostatectomy.
Kitayama M, Wada M, Hashimoto H, Kudo T, Yakoshi C, Hirota K.
J Anesth. 2014年08月
Effects of adding epinephrine on the early systemic absorption kinetics of local anesthetics in abdominal truncal blocks.
Kitayama M, Wada M, Hashimoto H, Kudo T, Takada N, Hirota K.
J Anesth. 2014年08月
Significance of preoperative butyrylcholinesterase as an independent predictor of survival in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy.
Koie T, Ohyama C, Yamamoto H, Hatakeyama S, Imai A, Yoneyama T, Hashimoto Y, Kitayam M, Hirota K.
Urol Oncol. 2014年08月
婦人科腹腔鏡下手術におけるロピバカインによる腹直筋鞘ブロックと腹腔内散布の 組み合わせ鎮痛の安全性に関する評価
矢越ちひろ, 橋本浩, 丹羽英智, 北山眞任, 工藤剛, 工藤美穂子, 廣田和美.
麻酔 2014年03月
下大静脈腫瘍塞栓を合併した腎細胞癌手術の全身麻酔管理 ―FloTrac PreSepの使用経験―.
廣澤貴志, 櫛方哲也, 工藤隆司, 川口陽子, 和田盛人, 北山眞任, 石原弘規, 廣田和美
麻酔 2011年02月
プロポフォール投与中止4.5時間後 血漿濃度が4.4μg・ml-1と高濃度であった覚醒遅延の1症例.
川口陽子, 石原弘規, 櫛方哲也, 北山眞任, 廣田和美.
麻酔 2010年12月
生体肝移植術における連続的 中心静脈酸素飽和度測定の使用経験―大量出血に対する有用性―
川口陽子, 櫛方哲也, 高瀬肇, 吉田仁, 北山眞任, 廣田和美.
麻酔 2010年02月
麻酔 58 ( 12 ) 1528 - 1530 2009年10月
Time consumption risk of real-time ultrasound-guided internal juglar vein cannulation in pediatric patients: comparison with two conventional techniques
Yoshida H, Kushuikata T, [Kitayama M], Hashimoto H, kimura F, Niwa H, Ishihara H, Hirota K
Journal of anesthesia 24 ( 4 ) 653 - 655 2009年04月
Binding of Novel radioligand [3H]UFP-101 to recombinant human and native rat nociceptin/orphanin FQreceptors
Ibba M, 「Kitayama M」,McDonald J, Calo G, Guerrini R, Farkas J, Toth G, Lambert DG
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's rch Pharmacol 378 ( 6 ) 553 - 561 2008年06月
中村仁美, 荒木功, 北山眞任, 橋本浩, 石原弘規, 廣田和美.
麻酔 2008年04月
In vitro pharmacological characterisation of a novel cyclic nociceptin/orphanin FQ analogue c[Cys(7,10)]N/OFQ(1-13)NH (2).
Kitayama M, McDonald J, Barnes TA, Calo' G, Guerrini R, Rowbotham DJ, Lambert DG.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 375 ( 6 ) 369 - 376 2007年06月
Intravenous indigo carmine might cause cerebral ischemia
Kawaguchi Y, Hashimoto H, Kitayama M, Hirota K
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 51 ( 6 ) 776 - 777 2007年06月
Anaphylactoid shock in a patient following 5% human serum albumin infusion during off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.
Fujita A, Kitayama M, Hirota K.
. Journal of Anesthesia 21 ( 3 ) 396 - 398 2007年03月
Obturator nerve block using ultrasound guidance
Fujiwara Y, Sato Y, Kitayama M, Shibata y, Komatsu T, Hirota K
Anesthesia and Analgesia 105 ( 3 ) 888 - 889 2007年03月
大量出血を呈した肝切除に対し連続的中心静脈酸素飽和度測定が有用であった2症例ーPresep Central Venous Oximetry Catheterの使用経験
麻酔 55 ( 12 ) 1502 - 1505 2006年12月
橋本浩, 櫛方哲也, 北山眞任, 石原弘規, 廣田和美, 坂井哲博, 二神真行, 保嶋実, 蔦谷昭司.
麻酔 2006年08月
Effects of nicardipine and diltiazem on the bispectral index and 95% spectral edge frequency
Hirota K, Kabara S, Kushikata T, Kitayama M, Ishihara H, Matsuki A.
Eur J Anaesthesiol 20 ( 10 ) 809 - 812 2003年10月
Pharmacological profile of the cyclic nociceptin/orphanin FQ analogues c[Cys10,14]N/OFQ(1-14)NH2 and c[Nphe1,Cys10,14]N/OFQ(1-14)NH2.
Kitayama M, Barnes TA, Carra G, McDonald J, Calo G, Guerrini R, Rowbotham DJ, Smith G, Lambert DG.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 368 ( 6 ) 528 - 537 2003年06月
A marked decrease in bispectral index with elevation of suppression ratio by cervical haematoma reducing cerebral perfusion pressure.
Umegaki N, Hirota K, Kitayama M, Yatsu Y, Ishihara H, Mtasuki A.
Journal Clinical Neuroscience 10 ( 6 ) 694 - 696 2003年06月
Fentanyl-mediated reduction in the bispectral index and 95% spectral edge frequency is age-dependent.
. Anzawa N, Hirota K, Kitayama M, Kushikata T, Matsuki A.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 20 ( 2 ) 167 - 169 2003年02月
Inhibitory effects of intravenous anaesthetic agents on K(+)-evoked glutamate release from rat cerebrocortical slices. Involvement of voltage-sensitive Ca(2+) channels and GABA(A) receptors.
Kitayama M, Hirota K, Kudo M, Kudo T, Ishihara H, Matsuki A.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2002年09月
Preoperative intradermal acupuncture reduces postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, analgesic requirement, and sympathoadrenal responses.
Kotani N, Hashimoto H, Sato Y, Sessler DI, Yoshioka H, Kitayama M, Yasuda T, Matsuki A.
Anesthesiology 2001年08月
Barbiturates inhibit K(+)-evoked noradrenaline and dopamine release from rat striatal slices--involvement of voltage sensitive Ca(2+) channels.
Hirota K, Kudo M, Kudo T, Kitayama M, Kushikata T, Lambert DG, Matsuki A.
Neurosci Lett. 2000年09月
. Airway management and rigid spine syndrome.
Kitayama M, Ohtomo N, Sakai T, Matsuki A.
Anesth Analg 1997年05月
鈴木朗子, 工藤弘子, 北山眞任, 廣田和美, 石原弘規, 松木明知, 橋本泰典, 土橋伸行, 坪敏仁.
麻酔 1995年12月
大川浩文, 岩川力, 大友教暁, 北山真任, 宮原明美, 松木明知.
麻酔 1994年12月
村川徳昭, 北山真任, 岩川力, 大川浩文, 大友教暁, 宮原明美, 松木明知.
麻酔 1994年04月
大川浩文, 岩川力, 大友教暁, 北山真任, 宮原明美, 松木明知.
麻酔 1993年04月
大友教暁, 岩川力, 北山真任, 田口さゆり, 松木明知.
麻酔 1993年03月
木村太, 北山真任, 矢島明美, 大川浩文, 石原弘規, 松木明知.
麻酔 1992年06月