Papers - KIMURA Futoshi
木村太, 工藤隆司, 伊藤磨矢, 矢越ちひろ, 大山翼, 久保田実怜, 三上典子, 廣田和美
麻酔 71 ( 5 ) 534 - 536 2022.5
帝王切開の全身麻酔を紐解く 予定手術で全身麻酔ですが、なにか? “選択的”帝王切開編
LiSA 28 ( 11 ) 1104 - 1108 2021.11
ロピバカインによる腸骨筋膜下ブロック後, 広範囲に及ぶ遷延性感覚障害が生じた1症例
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 28 ( 10 ) 207 - 208 2021.10
ペインクリニック 42 ( 10 ) 1173 - 1177 2021.10
上肢のCRPS type Ⅰに0.75%ロピバカインを用いた腕神経叢ブロックが有効であった1症例
ペインクリニック 42 ( 9 ) 1112 - 1114 2021.9
Leptomeningeal metastases in a patient with castration-resistant prostate cancer.
Koie T, Hashimoto Y, Suzuki Y, Hatayama Y, Kimura F
Case Rep Urol 2020
麻酔 68 1295 - 1298 2019.12
General Anesthetic Management for Emergency Cesarean Section and Postpartum Hemorrhage in a Woman With Fontan Circulation.
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Kishiko Nakai, Yoko Midorikawa, Futoshi Kimura, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 33 ( 3 ) 791 - 795 2019.3
Higher plasma leptin and lower C-peptide levels are associated with depression: A cross-sectional study.
Daiki Takekawa, Takashi Kudo, Junichi Saito, Futoshi Kimura, Yoshikazu Nikaido, Kaori Sawada, Norio Yasui-Furukori, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of affective disorders 243 70 - 74 2019.1
ペインクリニック 2018.11
ペインクリニック 39 1349 - 1352 2018.10
凝固能異常を有する筋緊 張性ジストロフィー患者の開腹術に腹直筋鞘ブロックと腹横筋膜面ブロックが有用であ った1症例
菅沼拓也, 木村太, 北山眞任, 櫛方哲也, 廣田和美
麻酔 67 762 - 764 2018.7
ペインクリニック 39 ( 1 ) 73 - 77 2018.1
Usefulness of Temperature Gradient During Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Diagnosis of Misplacement of a Frozen Elephant Trunk.
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Eiji Hashiba, Futoshi Kimura, Tetsuya Kushikata, Ikuo Fukuda, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 31 ( 1 ) 266 - 269 2017.2
[Effects of Various Antidepressants on Hemodynamics during General Anesthesia].
Futoshi Kimura, Masayuki Nishumura, Masafumi Oishi, Chihiro Iwashita, Kei Jinushi, Anna Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kushikata, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 65 ( 12 ) 1226 - 1230 2016.12
分娩と麻酔 98 120 - 124 2016.11
[Tension Pneumothorax Developing Hemothorax after Chest Tube Drainage].
Takehiro Sakai, Masahiro Sawada, Yutaka Sato, Futoshi Kimura, Nobuo Yagihashi, Tadashi Iwabuchi, Daisuke Kimura, Takao Tsushima, Ryo Hatanaka
Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery 69 ( 12 ) 991 - 994 2016.11
Impact of robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy on the management of general anesthesia: efficacy of blood withdrawal during a steep Trendelenburg position.
Junichi Saito, Satoko Noguchi, Anna Matsumoto, Kei Jinushi, Toshinori Kasai, Tomoyuki Kudo, Masahiro Sawada, Futoshi Kimura, Tetsuya Kushikata, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 29 ( 4 ) 487 - 491 2015.8
全身麻酔下帝王切開術のツール 麻酔法の選択 あなたならどちらを選ぶ? 吸入麻酔vs静脈麻酔
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2015.4
[Case of urgent surgical cricothyrotomy in CICV situation during induction of anesthesia for hemostasis after tonsillectomy].
Satoko Noguchi, Futoshi Kimura, Takenori Sasaki, Anna Matsumoto, Toshinori Kasai, Kei Jinushi, Kazuyoshi Hirota, Hironori Ishihara
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 63 ( 10 ) 1122 - 1124 2014.10
胸部ステントグラフト内挿術中に発症したStanford A型急性大動脈解離による広範な脳虚血の診断にBispectral indexが有用であった一症例
Cardiovascular Anesthesia 18 ( 1 ) 41 - 44 2014.8
A case of CRPS type Ⅰtreated with brachial plexus block using 0.75% ropivacaine
35 ( 7 ) 961 - 963 2014.7
Finger pulse oximetry detects an intense congestion: A case report.
Hidetomo Niwa, Futoshi Kimura, Tomoyuki Kudo, Anna Shito, Kazuyoshi Hirota
European journal of anaesthesiology 31 ( 2 ) 121 - 123 2014.2
[Case of Rh (-) patient's right lobectomy of the liver with massive hemorrhage evading allogeneic blood transfusion by hemodilutional autologous blood transfusion].
Masayuki Nishimura, Norikazu Takada, Eiji Hashiba, Futoshi Kimura, Masatou Kitayama, Hiroshi Hashimoto
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 63 ( 1 ) 88 - 90 2014.1
Mild hypercapnia with hyperventilation attenuates recovery from anesthesia in elderly patients.
Kishiko Nakai, Hitoshi Yoshida, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Tetsuya Kushikata, Futoshi Kimura, Masatou Kitayama, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 27 ( 5 ) 712 - 719 2013.10
[Rectus sheath block and transversus abdominis plane block for a patient with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome undergoing low anterior resection].
Futoshi Kimura, Masafumi Oishi, Chihiro Yakoshi, Chihiro Ogasawara, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 62 ( 8 ) 989 - 991 2013.8
Quantitative measurement of blood remifentanil concentration: development of a new method and clinical application.
Tomoyuki Kudo, Futoshi Kimura, Tsuyoshi Kudo, Mihoko Kudo, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 27 ( 4 ) 615 - 617 2013.8
[A case of hypernatremia treated with human atrial natriuretic peptide].
Futoshi Kimura, Takashi Kudo, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota, Eiji Hashiba, Toshihito Tsubo
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 61 ( 6 ) 634 - 637 2012.6
[Anesthetic management for EXIT (ex-utero intrapartum treatment) of a twin gestation: one normal and one with a large epignathus].
Takashi Kudo, Futoshi Kimura, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Morito Wada, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 61 ( 3 ) 307 - 310 2012.3
Successful treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome after hysterectomy for life-threatening atonic bleeding by inhaled nitric oxide.
Ayaka Fujita, Eiji Hashiba, Noriaki Otomo, Masatoshi Muraoka, Futoshi Kimura, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 25 ( 5 ) 741 - 744 2011.10
Combination of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation saved a child with severe ARDS after pulmonary resection.
Eiji Hashiba, Futoshi Kimura, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Takeshi Asano, Tomoko Ono, Hirobumi Okawa, Toshihito Tsubo, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Journal of anesthesia 25 ( 4 ) 580 - 584 2011.8
[Case of Rett syndrome monitored with BIS and neuromuscular monitor during total intravenous anesthesia].
Futoshi Kimura, Morito Wada, Takashi Kudo, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 60 ( 6 ) 700 - 702 2011.6
Time-consumption risk of real-time ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein cannulation in pediatric patients: comparison with two conventional techniques
Yoshida H et al
J Anesth 2010.8
想定外のマスク換気困難を呈した小児Treacher Collins症候群の気道管理
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 30 ( 7 ) 1059 - 1064 2010.7
[Case of autonomic hyperreflexia treated with intravenous nicardipine].
Junichi Saito, Futoshi Kimura, Hironori Ishihara, Kazuyoshi Hirota
Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology 58 ( 12 ) 1528 - 1530 2009.12
「鈴木朗子、木村尚正、木村太 他」
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 25 ( 7 ) 652 - 656 2005.7