寺田賢司, 門前暁, 千葉満, Wojcik Andrzej, 真里谷靖
#I第28回日本サイトメトリー学会学術集会#IR 2018.5
Screening for Biological Marker of Dose-optimization in Cancer Radiotherapy
Ueno T, Monzen S, Chiba M, Morino Y, Hosokawa Y
74 ( 5 ) 459 - 464 2018.5
Serum biomarkers for evaluation of thyroid cancer prognosis after radioactive iodine treatment
Monzen S, Wojcik A, Mariya Y
#IMass Spectrometry and Proteomics 2018#IR 2018.5
The uptake mechanisms of extracellular vesicles into cells
Chiba M, Kubota S, Monzen S
The Cell 50 ( 5 ) 267 - 270 2018.5
Protective Effect of the c-mpl Agonist Romiplostim on Megakaryocytopoiesis of Human CD34+ Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Exposed to Ionizing Radiation
Monzen S, Kimura S, Kashiwakura I
#IJ Interferon Cytokine Res. Epub ahead of print#IR 2018.4
Evaluation of the Spare Ability in the Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients
Yamaya H, Monzen S et al.
#IThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JRC2018)#IR 253 2018.4
Investigation of Urinary Metabolic Molecules for Radiation Biodosimetry and Its Functional Analysis
Terada K, Monzen S et al.
#IThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JRC2018)#IR 253 2018.4
Predictive Biomarker for the Detection of Ionizing Radiation Toxicity
Monzen S
#IThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JRC2018)#IR 85 2018.4
骨転移治療製剤223Ra による有害事象を予測する バイオマーカーの探索
葛西慶彦, 門前暁, 真里谷靖
#IThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JRC2018)#IR 182 2018.4
Characterizing Bone Marrow Cell Damage and Subpopulation in Mice after High Dose X-ray Exposure
Morino Y, Kosaka N, Kamatsuka M, Fukui A, Chiba M, Wojcik A, Monzen S
#IThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JRC2018)#IR 182 2018.4
A radioresistant fraction of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells exhibit CD38 cell-surface antigen and mRNA expression.
Monzen S, Chiba M, Ueno T, Morino Y, Terada K, Yamaya H, Hosokawa Y
#IOncol lett.#IR 15 ( 5 ) 6709 - 6714 2018.3
Serum miR-375-3p increase in mice exposed to a high dose of ionizing radiation.
Chiba M, Monzen S, Iwaya C, Kashiwagi Y, Yamada S, Hosokawa Y, Mariya Y, Nakamura T, Wojcik A.
#ISci. Rep.#IR 8 ( 1 ) 1302 - 1302 2018.1
門前 暁, 寺田 賢司, 多和田 侑介, 真里谷 靖, Andrzej Wojcik
#I2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会#IR, 1LBA-116 2017.12
Effects of radiation simulation with EGS5 for Undergraduate Students in the Department of Radiology
千葉 満, 門前 暁, 真里谷 靖
#I第64回日本臨床検査医学会学術集会#IR 臨床病理 65 ( suppl ) 202 - 202 (#141) 2017.11
門前 暁, 千葉 満, 真里谷 靖
#I第64回日本臨床検査医学会学術集会#IR 臨床病理 65 ( suppl ) 224 - 224 (#185) 2017.11
真里谷 靖, 門前 暁, 千葉 満
#I第64回日本臨床検査医学会学術集会#IR 臨床病理 65 ( suppl ) 203 - 203 (#143) 2017.11
Urinary biomarkers of lethal/sublethal ionizing radiation doses
Monzen S, Chiba M, Mariya Y
#IThe 29th World Congress of World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPaLM2017)#IR 161 - 161 (#P3-15) 2017.11
A biomarker of acute radiation syndrome: miR-375-3p increases in mouse serum by exposure to lethal/sublethal dose
Chiba M, Monzen S, Mariya Y
#IThe 29th World Congress of World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPaLM2017)#IR 161 - 161 (#P3-16) 2017.11
寺田 賢司, 多和田 侑介, 千葉 満, 真里谷 靖, 門前 暁
#I日本放射線影響学会第60回大会(千葉)#IR, YAO01-4 2017.10