千葉満, 門前暁
#I臨床病理#IR 64 ( suppl ) 446 - 446 2016.9
門前暁, 千葉満, 真里谷靖
#I臨床病理#IR 64 ( suppl ) 434 - 434 2016.9
Serum microRNAs for early diagnosis of acute radiation syndrome Serum miR-375-3p as a biomarker for early diagnosis of acute radiation syndrome
Chiba M, Monzen S
#IThe 32nd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS2016)#IR PL-03 2016.9
Predictive biomarkers for detecting adverse effects using radioisotope ablation in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma
Monzen S, Chiba M, Hosokawa Y, Mariya Y
#IThe 32nd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS2016)#IR PO-12 2016.9
Effects on stroma cells of exosomes derived from cancer cells
Chiba M, Monzen S
48 ( 9 ) 434 - 437 2016.8
Introduction to the Education of Radiological Technologist using e-learning System in University of Health Sciences
Monzen S, Matsutani H
#Ithe 72th annual scientific congress of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology#IR 369 2016.4
Application of cell sorting for enhancing the performance of the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay.
Ayumi Nakamura, Satoru Monzen, Yuki Takasugi, Andrzej Wojcik, Yasushi Mariya
Journal of radiation research 57 ( 2 ) 121 - 6 2016.3
Genetic network profiles associated with established resistance to ionizing radiation in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells and their extracellular vesicles.
Monzen S, Chiba M, Hosokawa Y
#IOncol Rep#IR 35 ( 2 ) 749 - 756 2016.2
Application of cell sorting for enhancing the performance of the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay.
Nakamura A, Monzen S, Takasugi Y, Wojcik A, Mariya Y
#IJ Radiat Res#IR 57 ( 2 ) 121 - 126 2016.1
Exosomes derived from SW480 colorectal cancer cells promote cell migration in HepG2 hepatocellular cancer cells via the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway.
Chiba M, Watanabe N, Watanabe M, Sakamoto M, Sato A, Fujisaki M, Kubota S, Monzen S, Maruyama A, Nanashima N, Kashiwakura I, Nakamura T
#IInt J Oncol#IR 48 ( 1 ) 305 - 312 2016.1
Expression analysis of radiation-responsive genes in human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.
Tsujiguchi T, Hirouchi T, Monzen S, Tabuchi Y, Takasaki I, Kondo T, Kashiwakura I
#IJ Radiat Res#IR 57 ( 1 ) 35 - 43 2015.12
門前 暁, 新岡 優, 高杉 勇輝, Andrzej Wojcik, 千葉 満, 高井 良尋, 真里谷 靖
#IBMB2015 (第38回日本分子生物学会年会, 第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会)(神戸)#IR - 2P1226 2015.12
千葉 満, 岩谷 千寿, 門前 暁
#IBMB2015 (第38回日本分子生物学会年会, 第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会)(神戸)#IR - 1P1334 2015.12
門前 暁, 細川 洋一郎, 真里谷 靖, 中村 敏也, 床次 眞司, 吉田 光明, 山田 正俊, 柏倉 幾郎
#I平成27年度放射線安全取扱部会年次大会(金沢)#IR 141 - 142 2015.11
末梢血細胞を用いたCytokinesis-block micronucleus assayによる放射線医療被ばくの線量評価ツールの検討
門前暁, 千葉満, 真里谷靖
#I臨床病理#IR 63 212 - 213 2015.11
真里谷靖, 門前暁, 對馬惠, 千葉満
#I臨床病理#IR 63 - 213 2015.11
千葉満, 門前暁, 真里谷靖
#I臨床病理#IR 63 - 212 2015.11
山口平, 千葉満, 門前暁, 吉野浩教, 柏倉幾郎
第1回放射線ワークショップ 2015.10
嵯峨涼, 門前暁, 細川洋一郎
#I第1回放射線ワークショップ(富山)#IR 2015.10
Effects of X-ray irradiation in combination with ascorbic acid on tumor control
Hosokawa Y, Monzen S, Yoshino H, Terashima S, Nakano M, Toshima K, Saga R, Kashiwakura I
#IMol Med Rep#IR 12 ( 4 ) 5449 - 5454 2015.10