論文 - 田坂 定智
田坂 定智
呼吸器症候群(第3版)Ⅱ 197 - 201 2021年
Pulmonary function and chest CT abnormalities 3 months after discharge from COVID-19, 2020-2021: A nation-wide multicenter prospective cohort study from the Japanese respiratory society.
Kamata H, Takamatsu K, Fukunaga K, Chubachi S, Nakagawara K, Namkoong H, Terai H, Tanaka K, Sato S, Hagiwara E, Takei R, Kondoh Y, Takazono T, Hashimoto M, Tasaka S, Ohrui T, Tanino Y, Mineshita M, Komase Y, Miyazaki K, Nishikawa M, Ando A, Kita H, Ichihara E, Ohshimo S, Murata Y, Ishida M, Kobayashi S, Uchida T, Tateno H, Ikari J, Terashima T, Kozu Y, Tateishi T, Shinkai M, Sagara H, To Y, Ito Y, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto Y, Kita T, Ito Y, Tomii K, Fujita Y, Funaki Y, Yatera K, Yamasue M, Komiya K, Kozawa S, Manabe H, Hozumi H, Horiguchi T, Kitajima T, Nakano Y, Nagaoka T, Hojo M, Ebihara A, Kobayashi M, Takayama K, Jinta T, Sawai T, Fukuda Y, Kaneko T, Chin K, Ogura T, Mukae H, Ishii M, Yokoyama A
Respiratory investigation 62 ( 4 ) 572 - 579 2024年07月
Endocrine immune-related adverse event is a prognostic biomarker independent of lead-time bias.
Ishidoya M, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Miura T, Nunomura Y, Miura D, Morimoto T, Hasegawa Y, Taima K, Tasaka S
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 192 107790 2024年06月
Safety of sarilumab in a Japanese population with rheumatoid arthritis by age group: Data from an interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance study.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, van Hoogstraten H, Diab R, Tanaka Y
Modern rheumatology 2024年05月
Real-time MBDi-RPA using methyl-CpG binding protein 2: A real-time detection method for simple and rapid estimation of CpG methylation status.
Ishidoya M, Fujita T, Tasaka S, Fujii H
Analytica chimica acta 1302 342486 2024年05月
TMEM2 suppresses TLR3-mediated IFN-β/ISG56/CXCL10 expression in BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
Kobori Y, Tachizaki M, Imaizumi T, Tanaka Y, Seya K, Miki Y, Kawaguchi S, Matsumiya T, Tobisawa Y, Ohyama C, Tasaka S
Molecular biology reports 51 ( 1 ) 417 2024年03月
TMEM2 suppresses TLR3-mediated IFN-β/ISG56/CXCL10 expression in BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
Kobori Y, Tachizaki M, Imaizumi T, Tanaka T, Seya K, Miki Y, Kawaguchi S, Matsumiya T, Tobisawa Y, Ohyama C, Tasaka S.
Mol Biol Rep. 2024年03月
Distinction of ALK fusion gene- and EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer with tumor markers.
Akita T, Ariyasu R, Kakuto S, Miyadera K, Kiritani A, Tsugitomi R, Amino Y, Uchibori K, Kitazono S, Yanagitani N, Tasaka S, Nishio M.
Thorac Cancer 2024年02月
Distinction of ALK fusion gene- and EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer with tumor markers.
Akita T, Ariyasu R, Kakuto S, Miyadera K, Kiritani A, Tsugitomi R, Amino Y, Uchibori K, Kitazono S, Yanagitani N, Tasaka S, Nishio M
Thoracic cancer 15 ( 10 ) 788 - 796 2024年02月
Role of G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor in the pathogenesis of chronic asthma.
Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Saito N, Tomita H, Tasaka S.
Immunol Lett 2024年02月
Role of G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor in the pathogenesis of chronic asthma.
Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Saito N, Tomita H, Tasaka S
Immunology letters 265 16 - 22 2024年02月
Predictors of efficacy of anamorelin in patients with non‑small cell lung cancer and cachexia: A retrospective study.
Ishioka Y, Tanaka H, Makiguchi T, Fujishima S, Nunomura Y, Sakamoto H, Shiratori T, Taima K, Tasaka S
Oncology letters 27 ( 1 ) 22 2024年01月
門脇 孝,小室一成,宮地良樹 監修.日常診療に活かす診療ガイドラインUP-TO-DATE 2024-2025 2024年
A Case of Disseminated Non-tuberculous Mycobacteriosis with a Skull Lesion Controlled by Resection after Exacerbation during Antimicrobial Chemotherapy in a Patient Positive for Anti-IFN-γ-neutralizing Autoantibodies.
Chubachi K, Taima K, Ishidoya M, Tanaka Y, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) advpub ( 0 ) 2024年
Clinical efficacy and safety of multipotent adult progenitor cells (invimestrocel) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by pneumonia: a randomized, open-label, standard therapy-controlled, phase 2 multicenter study (ONE-BRIDGE).
Ichikado K, Kotani T, Kondoh Y, Imanaka H, Johkoh T, Fujimoto K, Nunomiya S, Kawayama T, Sawada M, Jenkins E, Tasaka S, Hashimoto S.
Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023年08月
Clinical efficacy and safety of multipotent adult progenitor cells (invimestrocel) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by pneumonia: a randomized, open-label, standard therapy-controlled, phase 2 multicenter study (ONE-BRIDGE).
Ichikado K, Kotani T, Kondoh Y, Imanaka H, Johkoh T, Fujimoto K, Nunomiya S, Kawayama T, Sawada M, Jenkins E, Tasaka S, Hashimoto S
Stem cell research & therapy 14 ( 1 ) 217 2023年08月
第1土曜特集 ARDSの治療戦略--個別化診療への道筋 その他の治療 ARDSに対する間葉系幹細胞治療
田坂 定智
医学のあゆみ 286 ( 1 ) 98 - 102 2023年07月
Safety and effectiveness of sarilumab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to previous treatments: An interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, Tanaka Y.
Modern Rheumatol 2023年06月
Safety and effectiveness of sarilumab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to previous treatments: An interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, Tanaka Y
Modern rheumatology 34 ( 3 ) 444 - 452 2023年06月
Differential proteomic analysis and pathogenic effects of outer membrane vesicles derived from Acinetobacter baumannii under normoxia and hypoxia.
Suzuki S, Subsomwong P, Narita K, Kawai N, Ishiai T, Teng W, Sukchawalit R, Nakane A, Tasaka S, Asano K.
PLoS One 2023年05月