論文 - 田坂 定智
田坂 定智
呼吸器症候群(第3版)Ⅱ 197 - 201 2021年
Pulmonary function and chest CT abnormalities 3 months after discharge from COVID-19, 2020-2021: A nation-wide multicenter prospective cohort study from the Japanese respiratory society.
Kamata H, Takamatsu K, Fukunaga K, Chubachi S, Nakagawara K, Namkoong H, Terai H, Tanaka K, Sato S, Hagiwara E, Takei R, Kondoh Y, Takazono T, Hashimoto M, Tasaka S, Ohrui T, Tanino Y, Mineshita M, Komase Y, Miyazaki K, Nishikawa M, Ando A, Kita H, Ichihara E, Ohshimo S, Murata Y, Ishida M, Kobayashi S, Uchida T, Tateno H, Ikari J, Terashima T, Kozu Y, Tateishi T, Shinkai M, Sagara H, To Y, Ito Y, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto Y, Kita T, Ito Y, Tomii K, Fujita Y, Funaki Y, Yatera K, Yamasue M, Komiya K, Kozawa S, Manabe H, Hozumi H, Horiguchi T, Kitajima T, Nakano Y, Nagaoka T, Hojo M, Ebihara A, Kobayashi M, Takayama K, Jinta T, Sawai T, Fukuda Y, Kaneko T, Chin K, Ogura T, Mukae H, Ishii M, Yokoyama A
Respiratory investigation 62 ( 4 ) 572 - 579 2024年07月
Endocrine immune-related adverse event is a prognostic biomarker independent of lead-time bias.
Ishidoya M, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Miura T, Nunomura Y, Miura D, Morimoto T, Hasegawa Y, Taima K, Tasaka S
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 192 107790 2024年06月
Safety of sarilumab in a Japanese population with rheumatoid arthritis by age group: Data from an interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance study.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, van Hoogstraten H, Diab R, Tanaka Y
Modern rheumatology 2024年05月
Real-time MBDi-RPA using methyl-CpG binding protein 2: A real-time detection method for simple and rapid estimation of CpG methylation status.
Ishidoya M, Fujita T, Tasaka S, Fujii H
Analytica chimica acta 1302 342486 2024年05月
TMEM2 suppresses TLR3-mediated IFN-β/ISG56/CXCL10 expression in BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
Kobori Y, Tachizaki M, Imaizumi T, Tanaka Y, Seya K, Miki Y, Kawaguchi S, Matsumiya T, Tobisawa Y, Ohyama C, Tasaka S
Molecular biology reports 51 ( 1 ) 417 2024年03月
TMEM2 suppresses TLR3-mediated IFN-β/ISG56/CXCL10 expression in BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
Kobori Y, Tachizaki M, Imaizumi T, Tanaka T, Seya K, Miki Y, Kawaguchi S, Matsumiya T, Tobisawa Y, Ohyama C, Tasaka S.
Mol Biol Rep. 2024年03月
Distinction of ALK fusion gene- and EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer with tumor markers.
Akita T, Ariyasu R, Kakuto S, Miyadera K, Kiritani A, Tsugitomi R, Amino Y, Uchibori K, Kitazono S, Yanagitani N, Tasaka S, Nishio M.
Thorac Cancer 2024年02月
Distinction of ALK fusion gene- and EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer with tumor markers.
Akita T, Ariyasu R, Kakuto S, Miyadera K, Kiritani A, Tsugitomi R, Amino Y, Uchibori K, Kitazono S, Yanagitani N, Tasaka S, Nishio M
Thoracic cancer 15 ( 10 ) 788 - 796 2024年02月
Role of G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor in the pathogenesis of chronic asthma.
Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Saito N, Tomita H, Tasaka S.
Immunol Lett 2024年02月
Role of G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor in the pathogenesis of chronic asthma.
Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Saito N, Tomita H, Tasaka S
Immunology letters 265 16 - 22 2024年02月
Predictors of efficacy of anamorelin in patients with non‑small cell lung cancer and cachexia: A retrospective study.
Ishioka Y, Tanaka H, Makiguchi T, Fujishima S, Nunomura Y, Sakamoto H, Shiratori T, Taima K, Tasaka S
Oncology letters 27 ( 1 ) 22 2024年01月
門脇 孝,小室一成,宮地良樹 監修.日常診療に活かす診療ガイドラインUP-TO-DATE 2024-2025 2024年
A Case of Disseminated Non-tuberculous Mycobacteriosis with a Skull Lesion Controlled by Resection after Exacerbation during Antimicrobial Chemotherapy in a Patient Positive for Anti-IFN-γ-neutralizing Autoantibodies.
Chubachi K, Taima K, Ishidoya M, Tanaka Y, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) advpub ( 0 ) 2024年
Clinical efficacy and safety of multipotent adult progenitor cells (invimestrocel) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by pneumonia: a randomized, open-label, standard therapy-controlled, phase 2 multicenter study (ONE-BRIDGE).
Ichikado K, Kotani T, Kondoh Y, Imanaka H, Johkoh T, Fujimoto K, Nunomiya S, Kawayama T, Sawada M, Jenkins E, Tasaka S, Hashimoto S.
Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023年08月
Clinical efficacy and safety of multipotent adult progenitor cells (invimestrocel) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by pneumonia: a randomized, open-label, standard therapy-controlled, phase 2 multicenter study (ONE-BRIDGE).
Ichikado K, Kotani T, Kondoh Y, Imanaka H, Johkoh T, Fujimoto K, Nunomiya S, Kawayama T, Sawada M, Jenkins E, Tasaka S, Hashimoto S
Stem cell research & therapy 14 ( 1 ) 217 2023年08月
第1土曜特集 ARDSの治療戦略--個別化診療への道筋 その他の治療 ARDSに対する間葉系幹細胞治療
田坂 定智
医学のあゆみ 286 ( 1 ) 98 - 102 2023年07月
Safety and effectiveness of sarilumab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to previous treatments: An interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, Tanaka Y.
Modern Rheumatol 2023年06月
Safety and effectiveness of sarilumab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to previous treatments: An interim analysis of a post-marketing surveillance.
Kameda H, Tasaka S, Takahashi T, Suzuki K, Soeda N, Tanaka Y
Modern rheumatology 34 ( 3 ) 444 - 452 2023年06月
Differential proteomic analysis and pathogenic effects of outer membrane vesicles derived from Acinetobacter baumannii under normoxia and hypoxia.
Suzuki S, Subsomwong P, Narita K, Kawai N, Ishiai T, Teng W, Sukchawalit R, Nakane A, Tasaka S, Asano K.
PLoS One 2023年05月
特集 喘嗚がある患者に出会ったら-病態をカテゴライズして診断する [Chapter 2] 喘鳴をカテゴライズする 呼吸器疾患を疑う喘鳴
糸賀 正道, 田坂 定智
内科 131 ( 5 ) 1075 - 1079 2023年05月
特集 COPD-実地診療にガイドラインをどう活かすか Ⅲ.トピックス 加熱式タバコによる呼吸機能障害とCOPD
田坂 定智
呼吸器ジャーナル 71 ( 2 ) 286 - 291 2023年05月
Safety and feasibility of carboplatin and paclitaxel in combination with nintedanib for non-small cell lung cancer patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A prospective pilot study.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Okudera K, Taima K, Tasaka S.
Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2023年04月
Safety and feasibility of carboplatin and paclitaxel in combination with nintedanib for non-small cell lung cancer patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a prospective pilot study.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Okudera K, Taima K, Tasaka S
Translational lung cancer research 12 ( 4 ) 719 - 726 2023年04月
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis following COVID-19 in an Adolescent.
Nakamura Y, Okumura F, Nihei M, Chubachi K, Sakamoto H, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Yajima N, Kurose A, Tasaka S.
Intern Med. 62 ( 4 ) 589 - 593 2023年02月
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis following COVID-19 in an Adolescent.
Nakamura Y, Okumura F, Nihei M, Chubachi K, Sakamoto H, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Yajima N, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Japanese Journal of Medicine 62 ( 4 ) 589 - 593 2023年02月
Differential proteomic analysis and pathogenic effects of outer membrane vesicles derived from Acinetobacter baumannii under normoxia and hypoxia.
Suzuki S, Phawinee S, Narita K, Kawai N, Ishiai T, Teng W, Sukchawalit R, Nakane A, Tasaka S, Asano K.
PLoS One. 18 ( 3 ) 2023年02月
Differential proteomic analysis and pathogenic effects of outer membrane vesicles derived from Acinetobacter baumannii under normoxia and hypoxia.
Suzuki S, Subsomwong P, Narita K, Kawai N, Ishiai T, Teng W, Sukchawalit R, Nakane A, Tasaka S, Asano K
PloS one 18 ( 3 ) e0283109 2023年
内科 2023年
呼吸器ジャーナル 2023年
呼吸器内科 43(5) 2023年
医学のあゆみ 2023年
Acute Exacerbation of Interstitial Lung Disease After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Case Series.
Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Itoga M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Goto S, Tasaka S
162 ( 6 ) e311 - e316 2022年12月
Long-term safety of Prolastin®-C, an alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, in Japanese patients with alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Seyama K, Suzuki M, Tasaka S, Nukiwa T, Sato T, Konno S, Sorrells S, Chen J, Aragonés ME, Minamino H
Respiratory investigation 60 ( 6 ) 831 - 839 2022年11月
Toll-like receptor 3 signaling induces interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1 in BEAS-2B cells.
Dobashi M, Shiratori T, Imaizumi T, Hashimoto S, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Tasaka S
Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 247 ( 21 ) 1917 - 1922 2022年11月
Feasibility and safety of platinum-doublet therapy in patients with small-cell lung cancer in the third-line setting: A multi-institutional retrospective study.
Fukushima T, Makiguchi T, Tanaka Y, Chubachi K, Ishidoya M, Suzuki S, Tanaka H, Taima K, Hasegawa Y, Okudera K, Tasaka S
Oncology letters 24 ( 4 ) 368 2022年10月
小田切 遥, 牧口 友紀, 福島 高志, 石岡 佳子, 糸賀 正道, 田中 寿志, 當麻 景章, 田坂 定智.
気管支学(日本呼吸器内視鏡学会雑誌) 44 ( 5 ) 325 - 330 2022年09月
小田切 遥, 牧口 友紀, 福島 高志, 石岡 佳子, 糸賀 正道, 田中 寿志, 當麻 景章, 田坂 定智
気管支学 44 ( 5 ) 325 - 330 2022年09月
Toll-like receptor 3 signaling induces interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1 in BEAS-2B cells.
Dobashi M, Shiratori T, Imaizumi T, Hashimoto S, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Tasaka S.
Exp Biol Med 247 1917 - 1922 2022年09月
Feasibility and safety of platinum-doublet therapy in patients with small-cell lung cancer in the third-line setting: A multi-institutional retrospective study.
Fukushima T, Makiguchi T, Tanaka Y, Chubachi K, Ishidoya M, Suzuki S, Tanaka H, Taima K, Hasegawa Y, Okudera K, Tasaka S.
Oncol Lett. 24 ( 4 ) 368 2022年09月
特集 エキスパートがお答えします! 日常臨床のあるあるの疑問 第2章:呼吸器 健診異常で肺野に単発の結節影を指摘された患者が受診されました.どうすればよいでしょうか?
牧口 友紀, 田坂 定智
内科 130 ( 3 ) 370 - 372 2022年09月
日本呼吸器学会誌 11(5) 310 - 314 2022年09月
Long-term safety of Prolastin®-C, an alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, in Japanese patients with alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Seyama K, Suzuki M, Tasaka S, Nukiwa T, Sato T, Konno S, Sorrells S, Chen J, Aragonés ME, Minamino H.
Respir Investig 60 831 - 839 2022年08月
Prospective analysis of factors precluding the initiation of durvalumab from an interim analysis of a phase II trial of S-1 and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy followed by durvalumab for unresectable, locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Japan (SAMURAI study).
Tanzawa S, Makiguchi T, Tasaka S, Inaba M, Ochiai R, Nakamura J, Inoue K, Kishikawa T, Nakashima M, Fujiwara K, Kohyama T, Ishida H, Kuyama S, Miyazawa N, Nakamura T, Miyawaki H, Oda N, Ishikawa N, Morinaga R, Kusaka K, Miyamoto Y, Yokoyama T, Matsumoto C, Tsuda T, Ushijima S, Shibata K, Shibayama T, Bessho A, Kaira K, Misumi T, Shiraishi K, Matsutani N, Seki N.
Ther Adv Med Oncol 14 2022年07月
Morphological features of bronchiectasis in patients with non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis and interstitial pneumonia.
Tabe C, Dobashi M, Ishioka Y, Itoga M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Tasaka S.
BMC Res Notes 15 263 2022年07月
Morphological features of bronchiectasis in patients with non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis and interstitial pneumonia.
Tabe C, Dobashi M, Ishioka Y, Itoga M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Tasaka S
BMC research notes 15 ( 1 ) 263 2022年07月
ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline Committee 2021 from the Japanese Respiratory Society, the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Japanese Society of Respiratory Care Medicine. ARDS clinical practice guideline 2021.
Tasaka S, Ohshimo S, Takeuchi M, Yasuda H, Ichikado K, Tsushima K, Egi M, Hashimoto S, Shime N, Saito O, Matsumoto S, Nango E, Okada Y, Hayashi K, Sakuraya M, Nakajima M, Okamori S, Miura S, Fukuda T, Ishihara T, Kamo T, Yatabe T, Norisue Y, Aoki Y, Iizuka Y, Kondo Y, Narita C, Kawakami D, Okano H, Takeshita J, Anan K, Okazaki SR, Taito S, Hayashi T, Mayumi T, Terayama T, Kubota Y, Abe Y, Iwasaki Y, Kishihara Y, Kataoka J, Nishimura T, Yonekura H, Ando K, Yoshida T, Masuyama T, Sanui M
Respir Investig 60 446 - 495 2022年07月
ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline Committee 2021 from the Japanese Respiratory Society, the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Japanese Society of Respiratory Care Medicine. ARDS clinical practice guideline 2021.
Tasaka S, Ohshimo S, Takeuchi M, Yasuda H, Ichikado K, Tsushima K, Egi M, Hashimoto S, Shime N, Saito O, Matsumoto S, Nango E, Okada Y, Hayashi K, Sakuraya M, Nakajima M, Okamori S, Miura S, Fukuda T, Ishihara T, Kamo T, Yatabe T, Norisue Y, Aoki Y, Iizuka Y, Kondo Y, Narita C, Kawakami D, Okano H, Takeshita J, Anan K, Okazaki SR, Taito S, Hayashi T, Mayumi T, Terayama T, Kubota Y, Abe Y, Iwasaki Y, Kishihara Y, Kataoka J, Nishimura T, Yonekura H, Ando K, Yoshida T, Masuyama T, Sanui M
J Intensive Care. 10 ( 32 ) 2022年07月
ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline 2021.
Tasaka S, Ohshimo S, Takeuchi M, Yasuda H, Ichikado K, Tsushima K, Egi M, Hashimoto S, Shime N, Saito O, Matsumoto S, Nango E, Okada Y, Hayashi K, Sakuraya M, Nakajima M, Okamori S, Miura S, Fukuda T, Ishihara T, Kamo T, Yatabe T, Norisue Y, Aoki Y, Iizuka Y, Kondo Y, Narita C, Kawakami D, Okano H, Takeshita J, Anan K, Okazaki SR, Taito S, Hayashi T, Mayumi T, Terayama T, Kubota Y, Abe Y, Iwasaki Y, Kishihara Y, Kataoka J, Nishimura T, Yonekura H, Ando K, Yoshida T, Masuyama T, Sanui M, ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline 2021 committee from the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the Japanese Respiratory Society, and the Japanese Society of Respiratory Care Medicine
Journal of intensive care 10 ( 1 ) 32 2022年07月
特集 1ページでわかる内科疾患の診療ノート-"あたりまえ" のなかにある大事な視点 第1章:呼吸器 気管支喘息
糸賀 正道, 田坂 定智
内科 129 ( 4 ) 539 - 542 2022年04月
Diabetic ketoacidosis shortly after COVID-19 vaccination in a non–small-cell lung cancer patient receiving combination of PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitors: A case report.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Takayasu S, Tasaka S
Thorac Cancer 13 ( 8 ) 1220 - 1223 2022年04月
Diabetic ketoacidosis shortly after COVID-19 vaccination in a non-small-cell lung cancer patient receiving combination of PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitors: A case report.
Makiguchi T, Fukushima T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Takayasu S, Tasaka S
Thoracic cancer 13 ( 8 ) 1220 - 1223 2022年04月
Epidemiological investigation of the factors affecting the COVID-19 case fatality rate.
Tsuchiya J, Saito N, Itoga M, Tasaka S, Kayaba H.
Hirosaki Med J 2022年03月
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis following COVID-19 in an adolescent.
Nakamura Y, Okumura F, Nihei M, Chubachi K, Sakamoto H, Ishioka Y, Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Yajima N, Kurose A, Tasaka S.
Intern Med 2022年02月
Diabetic ketoacidosis shortly after COVID-19 vaccination in a non–small-cell lung cancer patient receiving combination of PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitors: A case report
小田切 遥,牧口友紀,福島高志,石岡佳子,糸賀正道,田中寿志,當麻景章,黒瀬 顕,田坂定智.
気管支学 44 ( 5 ) 325 - 350 2022年
門脇 孝,小室一成,宮地良樹 監修.日常診療に活かす診療ガイドラインUP-TO-DATE 2022-2023メディカルレビュー社 143 - 145 2022年
呼吸器内科 41 288 - 294 2022年
内科 129 539 - 542 2022年
内科 130 370 - 371 2022年
カレントテラピー 40 1048 - 1053 2022年
日本医事新報 5141 38 - 38 2022年
Medical Practice 39 ( 12 ) 1903 - 1903 2022年
弦間昭彦 編.最新ガイドラインに基づく呼吸器疾患診療指針2023-2024 149 - 154 2022年
モダンメディア 68 ( 12 ) 509 - 514 2022年
Pathophysiology of ARDS: What is the current understanding of pathophysiology of ARDS? ed., Tasaka S. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Advances in Diagnostic Tools and Disease Management.
Tasaka S.
Springer Nature 33 - 52 2022年
Prospective analysis of factors precluding the initiation of durvalumab from an interim analysis of a phase II trial of S-1 and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy followed by durvalumab for unresectable, locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer in Japan (SAMURAI study).
Tanzawa S, Makiguchi T, Tasaka S, Inaba M, Ochiai R, Nakamura J, Inoue K, Kishikawa T, Nakashima M, Fujiwara K, Kohyama T, Ishida H, Kuyama S, Miyazawa N, Nakamura T, Miyawaki H, Oda N, Ishikawa N, Morinaga R, Kusaka K, Miyamoto Y, Yokoyama T, Matsumoto C, Tsuda T, Ushijima S, Shibata K, Shibayama T, Bessho A, Kaira K, Misumi T, Shiraishi K, Matsutani N, Seki N
Therapeutic advances in medical oncology 14 17588359221116603 2022年
Epidemiological investigation of the factors affecting the COVID-19 case fatality rate
Tsuchiya Junichiro, Saito Norihiro, Itoga Masamichi, Tasaka Sadatomo, Kayaba Hiroyuki
Hirosaki Medical Journal 72 ( 1-4 ) 34 - 42 2022年
長 澄人, 田坂 定智
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 30 ( 1 ) 23 - 23 2021年12月
Characteristics of central nervous system progression in non-small cell lung cancer treated with crizotinib or alectinib.
Sakamoto H, Yanagitani N, Manabe R, Tsugitomi R, Ogusu S, Tozuka T, Yoshida H, Amino Y, Ariyasu R, Uchibori K, Kitazono S, Tasaka S, Nishio M
Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.) 4 ( 6 ) e1414 2021年12月
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia induced with durvalumab after chemoradiotherapy in a non-small cell lung cancer patient: A case report.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Kamata K, Taima K, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Thoracic cancer 12 ( 20 ) 2811 - 2814 2021年10月
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia induced with durvalumab after chemoradiotherapy in a non-small cell lung cancer patient: A case report.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Kamata K, Taima K, Kurose A, Tasaka S
Thoracic cancer 12 ( 20 ) 2811 - 2814 2021年08月
田坂 定智
週刊医学界新聞 ( 第3429号 ) 2021年07月
The relationship between evolving sarcopenia and efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer patients.
Makiguchi T, Tanaka H, Taima K, Tatsuo S, Iida S, Kakeda S, Tasaka S.
JCSM Clin Rep 2021年07月
The relationship between evolving sarcopenia and efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer patients
特集 内科疾患の診断基準・病型分類・重症度 第1章 呼吸器 急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)
田坂 定智
内科 127 ( 4 ) 524 - 526 2021年04月
疾患と検査値の推移 急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)
田坂 定智
検査と技術 49 ( 4 ) 508 - 514 2021年04月
田坂 定智
日本内科学会雑誌 110 ( Suppl ) 107b - 108a 2021年02月
Procalcitonin expression in patients with large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung.
Masamichi Itoga, Hisashi Tanaka, Kageaki Taima, Yoshiko Ishioka, Hiroaki Sakamoto, Shingo Takanashi, Akira Kurose, Sadatomo Tasaka
BMC research notes 14 ( 1 ) 25 - 25 2021年01月
Activity and bioavailability of tepotinib for leptomeningeal metastasis of NSCLC with MET exon 14 skipping mutation.
Hisashi Tanaka, Kageaki Taima, Tomonori Makiguchi, Junichi Nakagawa, Takenori Niioka, Sadatomo Tasaka
Cancer communications (London, England) 41 ( 1 ) 83 - 87 2021年01月
Activity and bioavailability of tepotinib for leptomeningeal metastasis of NSCLC with MET exon 14 skipping mutation
6. Tanaka H, Taima K, Makiguchi T, Nakagawa J, Niioka T, Tasaka S.
Cancer Commun (Lond) 2021年01月
Procalcitonin expression in patients with large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung.
5. Itoga M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Ishioka Y, Sakamoto H, Takanashi S, Kurose A, Tasaka S.
BMC Res Notes 14 ( 25 ) 2021年
A Phase I/II study of biweekly carboplatin and nab-paclitaxel with concurrent radiotherapy for patients with locally advanced unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer.
Tanaka H, Hasegawa Y, Makiguchi T, Okumura F, Tabe C, Shiratori T, Ishioka Y, Itoga M, Taima K, Yokouchi J, Hatayama Y, Aoki M, Tasaka S.
Clin Lung Cancer 22(1) 42 - 48 2021年
田坂 定智
臨牀と研究 98 1363 - 1367 2021年
田坂 定智
リウマチ科 65(1) 20 - 27 2021年
田坂 定智
ICUとCCU 45(3) 149 - 153 2021年
田坂 定智
臨床リハ 30(10) 1051 - 1055 2021年
The efficacy of nintedanib in 158 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in real-world settings: A multicenter retrospective study.
Dobashi M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Shiratori T, Okumura F, Tabe C, Tanaka Y, Morimoto T, Hasegawa Y, Yasugahira H, Okudera K, Takanashi S, Tasaka S
SAGE open medicine 9 20503121211023357 2021年
日本臨床 領域別症候群シリーズ 腫瘍性疾患 「Pancoast症候群」
田中 寿志、田坂 定智
肺癌診療ガイドライン 2021年度版 2021年
The efficacy of nintedanib in 158 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in real-world settings: A multicenter retrospective study.
Dobashi M, Tanaka H, Taima K, Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Shiratori T, Okumura F, Tabe C, Tanaka Y, Morimoto T, Hasegawa Y, Yasugahira H, Okudera K, Takanashi S, Tasaka S
SAGE open medicine 9 20503121211023357 - 20503121211023357 2021年
Hypothesis generative head-to-head study comparing efficacy of afatinib and osimertinib based on immunological biomarkers in Japanese NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations (Heat on Beat study).
Kei Morikawa, Hisashi Tanaka, Hidetoshi Itani, Saori Takata, Satoshi Watanabe, Kazuma Kishi, Kenzo Soejima, Kyoichi Kaira, Hiroshi Kagamu, Kenichi Yoshimura, Noriyuki Matsutani, Nobuhiko Seki
Therapeutic advances in medical oncology 12 1758835920967254 - 1758835920967254 2020年10月
A Phase I/II Study of Biweekly Carboplatin and Nab-paclitaxel With Concurrent Radiotherapy for Patients With Locally Advanced Unresectable Stage III Non-small-cell Lung Cancer.
Hisashi Tanaka, Yukihiro Hasegawa, Tomonori Makiguchi, Fumihiko Okumura, Chiori Tabe, Toshihiro Shiratori, Yoshiko Ishioka, Masamichi Itoga, Kageaki Taima, Junichi Yokouchi, Yoshiomi Hatayama, Masahiko Aoki, Sadatomo Tasaka
Clinical lung cancer 22 ( 1 ) 42 - 48 2020年10月
Effect of nintedanib on non-small cell lung cancer in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A case report and literature review.
Toshihiro Shiratori, Hisashi Tanaka, Chiori Tabe, Junichiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiko Ishioka, Masamichi Itoga, Kageaki Taima, Shingo Takanashi, Sadatomo Tasaka
Thoracic cancer 11 ( 6 ) 1720 - 1723 2020年06月
Destroyed lung due to sustained inflammation after chemoradiotherapy followed by durvalumab.
Kageaki Taima, Hisashi Tanaka, Masamichi Itoga, Yoshiko Ishioka, Akira Kurose, Sadatomo Tasaka
Respirology case reports 8 ( 5 ) e00580 - e00580 2020年05月
ISG56 is involved in CXCL10 expression induced by TLR3 signaling in BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells.
Toshihiro Shiratori, Tadaatsu Imaizumi, Koji Hirono, Shogo Kawaguchi, Tomoh Matsumiya, Kazuhiko Seya, Sadatomo Tasaka
Experimental lung research 46 ( 6 ) 195 - 202 2020年05月
A pilot study of adjuvant chemotherapy with carboplatin and oral S-1 for patients with completely resected stage II to IIIA non-small cell lung cancer
Tanaka H, Tabe C, Okumura F, Shiratori T, Ishioka Y, Itoga M, Taima K, Morimoto T, Kimura D, Tsushima T, Tasaka S.
Thorac Cancer 11 1633 - 1638 2020年04月
Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Pneumocystis Pneumonia.
Tasaka S
Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases 83 ( 2 ) 132 - 140 2020年04月
石岡佳子,白鳥俊博,當麻景章,糸賀正道,林 周次郎,田坂定智
日呼吸誌 9 ( 6 ) 473 - 476 2020年
田辺 千織, 田中 寿志, 當麻 景章, 糸賀 正道, 白鳥 俊博, 田坂 定智
肺癌 59 ( 7 ) 1156 - 1161 2019年12月
特集 高齢者の呼吸器感染症治療-症例が示すマネジメントの最前線 ◉肺真菌症 ③ニューモシスチス
田坂 定智
感染と抗菌薬 22 ( 4 ) 280 - 284 2019年12月
Simultaneous Detection of the T790M and L858R Mutations in the EGFR Gene by Oligoribonucleotide Interference-PCR
Keisuke Baba, Toshitsugu Fujita, Sadatomo Tasaka, Hodaka Fujii
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 ( 16 ) 2019年08月
特集 今日の呼吸器診療と今後の展望 知っておきたい呼吸器疾患 急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)
田坂 定智
内科 124 ( 1 ) 1459 - 1461 2019年07月
Obesity worsens the outcome of influenza virus infection associated with impaired type I interferon induction in mice.
Ho Namkoong, Makoto Ishii, Hideki Fujii, Takahiro Asami, Kazuma Yagi, Shoji Suzuki, Shuhei Azekawa, Sadatomo Tasaka, Naoki Hasegawa, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 513 ( 2 ) 405 - 411 2019年05月
Real-world study of afatinib in first-line or re-challenge settings for patients with EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer.
Hisashi Tanaka, Kageaki Taima, Masamichi Itoga, Yoshiko Ishioka, Keisuke Baba, Toshihiro Shiratori, Hiroaki Sakamoto, Junichiro Tsuchiya, Hideyuki Nakagawa, Yukihiro Hasegawa, Hideo Yasugahira, Koichi Okudera, Shingo Takanashi, Sadatomo Tasaka
Medical oncology 36 ( 6 ) 57 - 57 2019年05月
The efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced non-small cell lung cancer harboring driver mutations.
Sakamoto H, Tanaka H, Shiratori T, Baba K, Ishioka Y, Itoga M, Taima K, Hasegawa Y, Takanashi S, Tasaka S.
Molecular and Clinical Oncology 10 ( 6 ) 610 - 614 2019年04月
Prognostic values of the Berlin definition criteria, blood lactate level, and fibroproliferative changes on high-resolution computed tomography in ARDS patients.
Tetsuro Kamo, Sadatomo Tasaka, Takeshi Suzuki, Takanori Asakura, Shoji Suzuki, Kazuma Yagi, Ho Namkoong, Makoto Ishii, Hiroshi Morisaki, Tomoko Betsuyaku
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 19 ( 1 ) 37 - 37 2019年02月
Efficacy of pembrolizumab for patients with both high PD-L1 expression and an MET exon 14 skipping mutation: A case report.
Keisuke Baba, Hisashi Tanaka, Hiroaki Sakamoto, Toshihiro Shiratori, Junichiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiko Ishioka, Masamichi Itoga, Kageaki Taima, Sadatomo Tasaka
Thoracic Cancer 10 ( 2 ) 369 - 372 2019年02月
肺動脈と交通しmosaic attenuationを呈した縦隔型気管支動脈瘤
日本呼吸器学会誌 8 ( 1 ) 72 - 75 2019年01月
cell expansion and inhibits lymphocyte infiltration in the lungs to ameliorate murine pulmonary emphysema.
Takanori Asakura, Makoto Ishii, Ho Namkoong, Shoji Suzuki, Shizuko Kagawa, Kazuma Yagi, Takaki Komiya, Takafumi Hashimoto, Satoshi Okamori, Hirofumi Kamata, Sadatomo Tasaka, Akio Kihara, Ahmed E Hegab, Naoki Hasegawa, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Mucosal immunology 11 ( 6 ) 1606 - 1620 2018年11月
日本呼吸器学会誌 7 ( 4 ) 212 - 215 2018年07月
Emergency Radiotherapy for Spinal Cord Compression due to Bone Sarcoidosis.
Tanaka Y, Taima K, Tanaka H, Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Shiratori T, Tsuchiya J, Sakamoto H, Takanashi S, Tasaka S.
Internal Medicine 2018年03月
Anti-inflammatory roles of mesenchymal stromal cells during acute Streptococcus pneumoniae pulmonary infection in mice.
Asami T, Ishii M, Namkoong H, Yagi K, Tasaka S, Asakura T, Suzuki S, Kamo T, Okamori S, Kamata H, Zhang H, Hegab AE, Hasegawa N, Betsuyaku T.
Cytotherapy 2018年03月
Clarithromycin expands CD11b+Gr-1+ cells via the STAT3/Bv8 axis to ameliorate lethal endotoxic shock and post-influenza bacterial pneumonia.
Namkoong H, Ishii M, Fujii H, Yagi K, Asami T, Asakura T, Suzuki S, Kamata H, Tasaka S, Hasegawa N, Koyasu S, Betsuyaku T.
PLoS Pathogens 2018年03月
A phase I study of afatinib for patients aged 75 or older with advanced non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutations.
Tanaka H, Taima K, Tanaka Y, Itoga M, Ishioka Y, Nakagawa H, Baba K, Hasegawa Y, Takanashi S, Tasaka S.
Medical Oncology 2018年02月
Clarithromycin expands CD11b+Gr-1+ cells via the STAT3/Bv8 axis to ameliorate lethal endotoxic shock and post-influenza bacterial pneumonia.
Ho Namkoong, Makoto Ishii, Hideki Fujii, Kazuma Yagi, Takahiro Asami, Takanori Asakura, Shoji Suzuki, Ahmed E Hegab, Hirofumi Kamata, Sadatomo Tasaka, Koji Atarashi, Nobuhiro Nakamoto, Satoshi Iwata, Kenya Honda, Takanori Kanai, Naoki Hasegawa, Shigeo Koyasu, Tomoko Betsuyaku
PLoS pathogens 14 ( 4 ) e1006955 - e1006955 2018年
藤井 沙弥佳、城田 農、笠松 裕貴、田辺 つばさ、稲村 隆夫、岡部 孝裕、田坂 定智
混相流 32 ( 1 ) 132 - 139 2018年
A single-arm phase II study of nab-paclitaxel for patients with chemorefractory non-small cell lung cancer.
Tanaka H, Taima K, Morimoto T, Tanaka Y, Itoga M, Nakamura K, Hayashi A, Kumagai M, Yasugahira H, Mikuniya M, Okudera K, Takanashi S, Tasaka S
BMC Cancer 2017年10月
Clinical and radiological characteristics of patients with late-onset severe restrictive lung defect after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Namkoong H, Ishii M, Mori T, Sugiura H, Tasaka S, Sakurai M, Koda Y, Kato J, Hasegawa N, Okamoto S, Betsuyaku T.
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2017年09月
Regression of Crizotinib-Associated Complex Cystic Lesions after Switching to Alectinib.
Taima K, Tanaka H, Tanaka Y, Itoga M, Takanashi S, Tasaka S.
Internal Medicine 2017年09月
The efficacy, safety, and feasibility of inhaled amikacin for the treatment of difficult-to-treat non-tuberculous mycobacterial lung diseases.
Yagi K, Ishii M, Namkoong H, Asami T, Iketani O, Asakura T, Suzuki S, Sugiura H, Yamada Y, Nishimura T, Fujiwara H, Funatsu Y, Uwamino Y, Kamo T, Tasaka S, Betsuyaku T, Hasegawa N.
BMC Infectious Diseases 2017年08月
Clinical practice of acute respiratory distress syndrome in Japan: A nationwide survey and scientific evidences.
Tasaka S, Tatsumi K
Respiratory Investigation 2017年07月
The Japanese Respiratory Society Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NPPV) Guidelines (second revised edition).
Tsuneto Akashiba, Yuka Ishikawa, Hideki Ishihara, Hideaki Imanaka, Motoharu Ohi, Ryoichi Ochiai, Takatoshi Kasai, Kentaro Kimura, Yasuhiro Kondoh, Shigeru Sakurai, Nobuaki Shime, Masayuki Suzukawa, Misa Takegami, Shinhiro Takeda, Sadatomo Tasaka, Hiroyuki Taniguchi, Naohiko Chohnabayashi, Kazuo Chin, Tomomasa Tsuboi, Keisuke Tomii, Koji Narui, Nobuyuki Hasegawa, Ryuichi Hasegawa, Yoshihito Ujike, Keishi Kubo, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Shin-Ichi Momomura, Yoshitsugu Yamada, Masahiro Yoshida, Yukie Takekawa, Ryo Tachikawa, Satoshi Hamada, Kimihiko Murase
Respiratory investigation 55 ( 1 ) 83 - 92 2017年01月
1. 糸賀正道,田坂定智
呼吸器内科 2017年
日内会誌 2017年
呼吸器内科 2017年
Histone Deacetylase Inhibition Protects Mice Against Lethal Postinfluenza Pneumococcal Infection.
Kazuma Yagi, Makoto Ishii, Ho Namkoong, Hideki Fujii, Takahiro Asami, Shoji Suzuki, Takanori Asakura, Kosuke Mizoguchi, Tetsuro Kamo, Sadatomo Tasaka, Satoshi Iwata, Steven L Kunkel, Naoki Hasegawa, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Critical care medicine 44 ( 10 ) e980 - e987 2016年10月
Clinical characteristics of pulmonary Mycobacterium scrofulaceum disease in 2001-2011: A case series and literature review.
Shoji Suzuki, Eriko Morino, Makoto Ishii, Ho Namkoong, Kazuma Yagi, Takanori Asakura, Takahiro Asami, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Yoshifumi Uwamino, Tomoyasu Nishimura, Sadatomo Tasaka, Tomoko Betsuyaku, Jin Takasaki, Satoshi Iwata, Naoki Hasegawa
Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 22 ( 9 ) 611 - 616 2016年09月
Clinical efficacy and safety of multidrug therapy including thrice weekly intravenous amikacin administration for Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary disease in outpatient settings: a case series.
Ho Namkoong, Kozo Morimoto, Tomoyasu Nishimura, Hiromu Tanaka, Hiroaki Sugiura, Yoshitake Yamada, Atsuko Kurosaki, Takanori Asakura, Shoji Suzuki, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Kazuma Yagi, Makoto Ishii, Sadatomo Tasaka, Tomoko Betsuyaku, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Atsuyuki Kurashima, Naoki Hasegawa
BMC infectious diseases 16 396 - 396 2016年08月
Consistency of interpretation of lung sounds between experienced physicians and automatic analysis using a newly developed algorithm based on the acoustic characteristics
Tasaka S, Saraya T, Kuraishi H, Simbara H, Oda K, Takizawa H.
Pulm Res Respir Med Open J 2016年06月
Multiple nodular lesions following Pneumocystis pneumonia in a non-HIV immunocompromised patient.
Takanori Asakura, Naofumi Kameyama, Makoto Ishii, Ichiro Kawada, Sadatomo Tasaka, Kenzo Soejima, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Clinical case reports 4 ( 5 ) 528 - 530 2016年05月
Disseminated Mycobacterium marinum Infection With a Destructive Nasal Lesion Mimicking Extranodal NK/T Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report.
Takanori Asakura, Makoto Ishii, Taku Kikuchi, Kaori Kameyama, Ho Namkoong, Noboru Nakata, Kayoko Sugita, Sadatomo Tasaka, Takayuki Shimizu, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Shinichiro Okamoto, Tomoko Betsuyaku, Naoki Hasegawa
Medicine 95 ( 11 ) e3131 - e3131 2016年03月
呼吸器内科 2016年
呼吸器内科 2016年
弘前市医師会報 2016年
日胸 2016年
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous peramivir in the airway epithelial lining fluid of healthy volunteers.
Yohei Funatsu, Sadatomo Tasaka, Takahiro Asami, Ho Namkoong, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Osamu Iketani, Kazuma Yagi, Yoshifumi Kimizuka, Makoto Ishii, Tomoyasu Nishimura, Haruhiko Ogata, Satoshi Iwata, Tomoko Betsuyaku, Naoki Hasegawa
Antiviral therapy 21 ( 7 ) 621 - 625 2016年
Diaphragm ultrasonography as a tool to assess paradoxical breathing in a patient with asthma attack
5. Mikura S, Saraya T, Minami T, Satoh T, Oda K, Shimbara H, Tasaka S, Kuraishi H, Takizawa H.
Pulm Res Respir Med Open J 2016年
Blue-black trachea as a result of minocycline-induced hyperpigmentation
Asakura T, Nukaga S, Namkoong H, Yagi K, Suzuki S, Ishii M, Tasaka S, Betsuyaku T, Hasegawa N.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 193 e5 - e6 2016年
Multiple nodular lesions following Pneumocystis pneumonia in a non-HIV immunocompromised patient
Asakura T, Kameyama N, Ishii M, Kawada I, Tasaka S, Soejima K, Betsuyaku T.
Clin Case Rep 4 528 - 530 2016年
Theory and strategy for Pneumococcal vaccines in the elderly.
Ho Namkoong, Makoto Ishii, Yohei Funatsu, Yoshifumi Kimizuka, Kazuma Yagi, Takahiro Asami, Takanori Asakura, Shoji Suzuki, Testuro Kamo, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Sadatomo Tasaka, Tomoko Betsuyaku, Naoki Hasegawa
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 12 ( 2 ) 336 - 343 2016年
Levels of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in Patients with Various Inflammatory Lung Diseases.
Tetsuro Kamo, Sadatomo Tasaka, Yuriko Tokuda, Shoji Suzuki, Takanori Asakura, Kazuma Yagi, Ho Namkoong, Makoto Ishii, Naoki Hasegawa, Tomoko Betsuyaku
Clinical medicine insights. Circulatory, respiratory and pulmonary medicine 9 ( Suppl 1 ) 147 - 154 2015年