論文 - 掛田 伸吾
Volume enlargement of the choroid plexus and brain ventricles in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder.
Hayakawa G, Chibaatar E, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Quinn PM, Ikenouchi A, Shinkai T, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Journal of affective disorders 2024年03月
Comprehensive elucidation of resting-state functional connectivity in anorexia nervosa by a multicenter cross-sectional study.
Sudo Y, Ota J, Takamura T, Kamashita R, Hamatani S, Numata N, Chhatkuli RB, Yoshida T, Takahashi J, Kitagawa H, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Nakazato M, Sato Y, Hamamoto Y, Shoji T, Muratsubaki T, Sugiura M, Fukudo S, Kawabata M, Sunada M, Noda T, Tose K, Isobe M, Kodama N, Kakeda S, Takahashi M, Takakura S, Gondo M, Yoshihara K, Moriguchi Y, Shimizu E, Sekiguchi A, Hirano Y
Psychological medicine 1 - 14 2024年03月
Impact of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction among Interventional Radiologists in Japan: A Cross-sectional Study.
Sone M, Yasunaga H, Osawa M, Takeguchi Y, Han A, Akiyama N, Kamiya M, Woodhams R, Yoshimatsu R, Nakatsuka A, Kakeda S, Takase K, Mimura H, Yamakado K
Interventional Radiology 9 ( 1 ) 13 - 19 2024年03月
FLAIR Hyperintensities in the Anterior Part of the Callosal Splenium in the Elderly Population: A Large Cohort Study.
Kasai S, Watanabe K, Ide S, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Umemura Y, Tatsuo S, Kakeda S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Miki Y, Wakabayashi K, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Academic radiology 2024年02月
Usefulness of pituitary high-resolution 3D MRI with deep-learning-based reconstruction for perioperative evaluation of pituitary adenomas.
Ishimoto Y, Ide S, Watanabe K, Oyu K, Kasai S, Umemura Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Nozaki A, Ikushima Y, Wakayama T, Asano K, Saito A, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Neuroradiology 2024年02月
Systematic reduction of gray matter volume in anorexia nervosa, but relative enlargement with clinical symptoms in the prefrontal and posterior insular cortices: a multicenter neuroimaging study.
Tose K, Takamura T, Isobe M, Hirano Y, Sato Y, Kodama N, Yoshihara K, Maikusa N, Moriguchi Y, Noda T, Mishima R, Kawabata M, Noma S, Takakura S, Gondo M, Kakeda S, Takahashi M, Ide S, Adachi H, Hamatani S, Kamashita R, Sudo Y, Matsumoto K, Nakazato M, Numata N, Hamamoto Y, Shoji T, Muratsubaki T, Sugiura M, Murai T, Fukudo S, Sekiguchi A
Molecular psychiatry 2024年01月
Choroid plexus enlargement in mild cognitive impairment on MRI: a large cohort study.
Umemura Y, Watanabe K, Kasai S, Ide S, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
European radiology 2024年01月
対馬 史泰, 工藤 珠星, 松橋 周一, 石本 優香, 笠井 星良, 佐々木 美穂, 新宅 知博, 永谷 春香, 丸山 翔, 辰尾 小百合, 辰尾 宗一郎, 藤田 大真, 掛端 伸也, 掛田 伸吾, 近藤 慎浩
日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 38 ( 3 ) 190 - 193 2024年
Fronto-striato network function is reduced in major depressive disorder.
Kijima R, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Ikenouchi A, Tesen H, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in psychiatry 15 1336370 - 1336370 2024年
Gastric Artery Injury Due to Blunt Abdominal Trauma.
Ichiyama S, Ishizawa Y, Washida K, Kakehata S, Kakeda S
Cureus 15 ( 12 ) e50018 2023年12月
Triple network connectivity changes in patients with major depressive disorder versus healthy controls via structural network imaging after electroconvulsive therapy treatment.
Chibaatar E, Watanabe K, Quinn PM, Okamoto N, Shinkai T, Natsuyama T, Hayasaki G, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Journal of affective disorders 340 923 - 929 2023年08月
Altered structural hippocampal intra-networks in a general elderly Japanese population with mild cognitive impairment.
Kasai S, Watanabe K, Umemura Y, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Ide S, Tomiyama M, Matsuzaka M, Kakeda S
Scientific reports 13 ( 1 ) 13330 2023年08月
ここが知りたい! 画像診断2023年1月号特集「ビギナーのための頭部画像診断 -Q&Aアプローチ- 2023」
與儀 彰, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 7 ) 702 - 703 2023年05月
Superior cerebellar peduncle atrophy of progressive supranuclear palsy on phase difference enhanced imaging: a comparison with Parkinson's disease.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Yoneda T, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Neuroradiology 65 ( 4 ) 719 - 727 2023年04月
Picked-up Knowledge from Foreign Journals 脳MRI
掛田 伸吾, 佐々木 美穂
画像診断 43 ( 5 ) 454 - 456 2023年03月
特集 頭部救急画像診断 ─少しだけ立ち止まって 脳梗塞のCT ─初診時に亜急性期・慢性期の脳卒中を疑っても,脳梗塞と断定できる?─
佐々木 美穂, 井出 智, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 5 ) 431 - 438 2023年03月
Quantification of the Intrinsic T1 and T2 of Heschl's Gyri with MR Fingerprinting.
Maruyama S, Tatsuo S, Tatsuo S, Iida S, Tsushima F, Ide S, Kakeda S
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 22 ( 1 ) 95 - 101 2023年03月
Association of prediabetes with reduced brain volume in a general elderly Japanese population.
Tatsuo S, Watanabe K, Ide S, Tsushima F, Tatsuo S, Matsuzaka M, Murakami H, Ishida M, Iwane T, Daimon M, Yodono H, Nakaji S, Kakeda S
European radiology 33 ( 8 ) 5378 - 5384 2023年03月
Thin-slice Two-dimensional T2-weighted Imaging with Deep Learning-based Reconstruction: Improved Lesion Detection in the Brain of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Iwamura M, Ide S, Sato K, Kakuta A, Tatsuo S, Nozaki A, Wakayama T, Ueno T, Haga R, Kakizaki M, Yokoyama Y, Yamauchi R, Tsushima F, Shibutani K, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine advpub ( 0 ) 2023年03月
Improved visualization of the subthalamic nucleus on synthetic MRI with optimized parameters: initial study.
Tatsuo S, Tatsuo S, Tsushima F, Sakashita N, Oyu K, Ide S, Kakeda S
Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987) 2841851221080010 2023年02月