論文 - 掛田 伸吾
Volume enlargement of the choroid plexus and brain ventricles in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder.
Hayakawa G, Chibaatar E, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Quinn PM, Ikenouchi A, Shinkai T, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Journal of affective disorders 2024年03月
Comprehensive elucidation of resting-state functional connectivity in anorexia nervosa by a multicenter cross-sectional study.
Sudo Y, Ota J, Takamura T, Kamashita R, Hamatani S, Numata N, Chhatkuli RB, Yoshida T, Takahashi J, Kitagawa H, Matsumoto K, Masuda Y, Nakazato M, Sato Y, Hamamoto Y, Shoji T, Muratsubaki T, Sugiura M, Fukudo S, Kawabata M, Sunada M, Noda T, Tose K, Isobe M, Kodama N, Kakeda S, Takahashi M, Takakura S, Gondo M, Yoshihara K, Moriguchi Y, Shimizu E, Sekiguchi A, Hirano Y
Psychological medicine 1 - 14 2024年03月
Impact of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction among Interventional Radiologists in Japan: A Cross-sectional Study.
Sone M, Yasunaga H, Osawa M, Takeguchi Y, Han A, Akiyama N, Kamiya M, Woodhams R, Yoshimatsu R, Nakatsuka A, Kakeda S, Takase K, Mimura H, Yamakado K
Interventional Radiology 9 ( 1 ) 13 - 19 2024年03月
FLAIR Hyperintensities in the Anterior Part of the Callosal Splenium in the Elderly Population: A Large Cohort Study.
Kasai S, Watanabe K, Ide S, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Umemura Y, Tatsuo S, Kakeda S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Miki Y, Wakabayashi K, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Academic radiology 2024年02月
Usefulness of pituitary high-resolution 3D MRI with deep-learning-based reconstruction for perioperative evaluation of pituitary adenomas.
Ishimoto Y, Ide S, Watanabe K, Oyu K, Kasai S, Umemura Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Nozaki A, Ikushima Y, Wakayama T, Asano K, Saito A, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Neuroradiology 2024年02月
Systematic reduction of gray matter volume in anorexia nervosa, but relative enlargement with clinical symptoms in the prefrontal and posterior insular cortices: a multicenter neuroimaging study.
Tose K, Takamura T, Isobe M, Hirano Y, Sato Y, Kodama N, Yoshihara K, Maikusa N, Moriguchi Y, Noda T, Mishima R, Kawabata M, Noma S, Takakura S, Gondo M, Kakeda S, Takahashi M, Ide S, Adachi H, Hamatani S, Kamashita R, Sudo Y, Matsumoto K, Nakazato M, Numata N, Hamamoto Y, Shoji T, Muratsubaki T, Sugiura M, Murai T, Fukudo S, Sekiguchi A
Molecular psychiatry 2024年01月
Choroid plexus enlargement in mild cognitive impairment on MRI: a large cohort study.
Umemura Y, Watanabe K, Kasai S, Ide S, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
European radiology 2024年01月
対馬 史泰, 工藤 珠星, 松橋 周一, 石本 優香, 笠井 星良, 佐々木 美穂, 新宅 知博, 永谷 春香, 丸山 翔, 辰尾 小百合, 辰尾 宗一郎, 藤田 大真, 掛端 伸也, 掛田 伸吾, 近藤 慎浩
日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 38 ( 3 ) 190 - 193 2024年
Fronto-striato network function is reduced in major depressive disorder.
Kijima R, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Ikenouchi A, Tesen H, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in psychiatry 15 1336370 - 1336370 2024年
Gastric Artery Injury Due to Blunt Abdominal Trauma.
Ichiyama S, Ishizawa Y, Washida K, Kakehata S, Kakeda S
Cureus 15 ( 12 ) e50018 2023年12月
Triple network connectivity changes in patients with major depressive disorder versus healthy controls via structural network imaging after electroconvulsive therapy treatment.
Chibaatar E, Watanabe K, Quinn PM, Okamoto N, Shinkai T, Natsuyama T, Hayasaki G, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Journal of affective disorders 340 923 - 929 2023年08月
Altered structural hippocampal intra-networks in a general elderly Japanese population with mild cognitive impairment.
Kasai S, Watanabe K, Umemura Y, Ishimoto Y, Sasaki M, Nagaya H, Tatsuo S, Mikami T, Tamada Y, Ide S, Tomiyama M, Matsuzaka M, Kakeda S
Scientific reports 13 ( 1 ) 13330 2023年08月
ここが知りたい! 画像診断2023年1月号特集「ビギナーのための頭部画像診断 -Q&Aアプローチ- 2023」
與儀 彰, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 7 ) 702 - 703 2023年05月
Superior cerebellar peduncle atrophy of progressive supranuclear palsy on phase difference enhanced imaging: a comparison with Parkinson's disease.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Yoneda T, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Neuroradiology 65 ( 4 ) 719 - 727 2023年04月
Picked-up Knowledge from Foreign Journals 脳MRI
掛田 伸吾, 佐々木 美穂
画像診断 43 ( 5 ) 454 - 456 2023年03月
特集 頭部救急画像診断 ─少しだけ立ち止まって 脳梗塞のCT ─初診時に亜急性期・慢性期の脳卒中を疑っても,脳梗塞と断定できる?─
佐々木 美穂, 井出 智, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 5 ) 431 - 438 2023年03月
Quantification of the Intrinsic T1 and T2 of Heschl's Gyri with MR Fingerprinting.
Maruyama S, Tatsuo S, Tatsuo S, Iida S, Tsushima F, Ide S, Kakeda S
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 22 ( 1 ) 95 - 101 2023年03月
Association of prediabetes with reduced brain volume in a general elderly Japanese population.
Tatsuo S, Watanabe K, Ide S, Tsushima F, Tatsuo S, Matsuzaka M, Murakami H, Ishida M, Iwane T, Daimon M, Yodono H, Nakaji S, Kakeda S
European radiology 33 ( 8 ) 5378 - 5384 2023年03月
Thin-slice Two-dimensional T2-weighted Imaging with Deep Learning-based Reconstruction: Improved Lesion Detection in the Brain of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Iwamura M, Ide S, Sato K, Kakuta A, Tatsuo S, Nozaki A, Wakayama T, Ueno T, Haga R, Kakizaki M, Yokoyama Y, Yamauchi R, Tsushima F, Shibutani K, Tomiyama M, Kakeda S
Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine advpub ( 0 ) 2023年03月
Improved visualization of the subthalamic nucleus on synthetic MRI with optimized parameters: initial study.
Tatsuo S, Tatsuo S, Tsushima F, Sakashita N, Oyu K, Ide S, Kakeda S
Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987) 2841851221080010 2023年02月
Disturbed hippocampal intra-network in first-episode of drug-naïve major depressive disorder.
Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Ueda I, Tesen H, Fujii R, Ikenouchi A, Yoshimura R, Kakeda S
Brain communications 5 ( 1 ) fcac323 2023年01月
Volumetric assessment of individual thalamic nuclei in patients with drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder.
Chibaatar E, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Orkhonselenge N, Natsuyama T, Hayakawa G, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in psychiatry 14 1151551 - 1151551 2023年
神経変性疾患の脳MRIにおけるvoxel–based morphometry(VBM)解析
掛田 伸吾, 渡邊 啓太
神経治療学 40 ( 4 ) 633 - 636 2023年
特集 ビギナーのための頭部画像診断 -Q&Aアプローチ- 2023 所見別 磁化率強調像,T2*強調像の低信号スポットをみたら,何を考えますか?
井手 智, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 1 ) 80 - 81 2022年12月
特集 ビギナーのための頭部画像診断 -Q&Aアプローチ- 2023 疾患別 静脈の生理的逆流と硬膜動静脈瘻(AVF)の鑑別はどのようにしたらよいですか?
掛田 伸吾
画像診断 43 ( 1 ) 98 - 100 2022年12月
Correlation of magnetic resonance images with neuropathology of irreversible metronidazole-induced encephalopathy: an autopsy case report.
Miki Y, Takeuchi Y, Murasawa S, Takayasu S, Tsushima F, Kakeda S, Mizukami H, Wakabayashi K
BMC neurology 22 ( 1 ) 485 2022年12月
特集2 検査の安全性・妥当性 弘前大学編
掛田 伸吾, 対馬 史泰, 成田 将崇
臨床画像 38 ( 11 ) 1359 - 1363 2022年11月
Optic radiation atrophy in Lewy body disease with visual hallucination on phase difference enhanced magnetic resonance images.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Yoneda T, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Scientific reports 12 ( 1 ) 18556 2022年11月
Olfactory Dysfunction Reflects Disease Progression in Japanese Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Okada K, Kakeda S, Tahara M
Japanese Journal of Medicine 61 ( 21 ) 3181 - 3187 2022年11月
Olfactory Dysfunction Reflects Disease Progression in Japanese Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Okada K, Kakeda S, Tahara M.
Intern Med. 2022年11月
特集 画像診断レポート ここだけは落とせない!主治医に伝えるべきポイント 第1章 脳神経 5 変性疾患
辰尾 宗一郎, 井手 智, 掛田 伸吾
臨床放射線 67 ( 11 ) 1189 - 1201 2022年10月
特集2 中枢神経系の脱髄・炎症・感染症 多発性硬化症の画像診断
渡邉 啓太, 井手 智, 掛田 伸吾
臨床画像 38 ( 7 ) 798 - 807 2022年07月
掛田 伸吾
日本放射線看護学会誌 10 ( 1 ) 18 - 19 2022年06月
Effects of Obesity, Blood Pressure, and Blood Metabolic Biomarkers on Grey Matter Brain Healthcare Quotient: A Large Cohort Study of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Screening System in Japan.
Watanabe K, Kakeda S, Nemoto K, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, Kobayashi S, Yamakawa Y
Journal of clinical medicine 11 ( 11 ) 2022年05月
Effectiveness of Cytological Diagnosis with Outer Cannula Washing Solution for Computed Tomography-Guided Needle Biopsy.
Tatsuo S, Tsushima F, Kakehata S, Fujita H, Maruyama S, Iida S, Tatsuo S, Kumagai N, Matsuzaka M, Kurose A, Kakeda S
Academic radiology 29 ( 3 ) 388 - 394 2022年05月
Hippocampal Volume and Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Patients With Depression and Healthy Controls.
Fujii R, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Natsuyama T, Tesen H, Igata R, Konishi Y, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 15 857293 - 857293 2022年05月
Volume of Amygdala Subregions and Plasma Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Cortisol in Patients with s/s Genotype of Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism of First-Episode and Drug-Naive Major Depressive Disorder: An Exploratory Study.
Okamoto N, Watanabe K, Tesen H, Ikenouchi A, Igata R, Konishi Y, Natsuyama T, Fujii R, Kakeda S, Kishi T, Iwata N, Yoshimura R
Neurology international 14 ( 2 ) 378 - 390 2022年04月
DRD2 Taq1A Polymorphism-Related Brain Volume Changes in Parkinson's Disease: Voxel-Based Morphometry.
Ohira K, Yokota H, Hirano S, Nishimura M, Mukai H, Horikoshi T, Sawai S, Yamanaka Y, Yamamoto T, Kakeda S, Kuwabara S, Tanaka T, Uno T
Parkinson's disease 2022 8649195 2022年04月
特集1 絶対苦手分野にしない 脳梗塞の画像診断 全身疾患と脳梗塞
井手 智, 掛田 伸吾
臨床画像 38 ( 3 ) 330 - 339 2022年03月
特集 MRIによる中枢神経画像診断の進歩 定量的磁化率マッピングの画像診断
対馬 史泰, 井手 智, 三浦 弘行, 掛田 伸吾
臨床放射線 67 ( 3 ) 245 - 250 2022年03月
掛田 伸吾
神経治療学 39 ( 6 ) S205 - S205 2022年
特別講演 「弘前医学からみた放射線診断学の話題」
掛田 伸吾
弘前医学 72 ( 1-4 ) 100 - 101 2022年
Gyrification patterns in first-episode, drug-naïve major depression: Associations with plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and psychiatric symptoms.
Natsuyama T, Okamoto N, Watanabe K, Chibaatar E, Tesen H, Hayasaki G, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in psychiatry 13 1031386 - 1031386 2022年
Scout 画像を用いた VSRAD 解析の精度: 従来の 3D-T1WI との比較
片山竜也、 渡邉啓太、成松秀州、掛田伸吾、興梠征典
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 2021年12月
Characteristics of α2,3-sialyl N-glycosylated PSA as a biomarker for clinically significant prostate cancer in men with elevated PSA level.
Yoneyama T, Yamamoto H, Sutoh Yoneyama M, Tobisawa Y, Hatakeyama S, Narita T, Kodama H, Momota M, Ito H, Narita S, Tsushima F, Mitsuzuka K, Yoneyama T, Hashimoto Y, Duivenvoorden W, Pinthus JH, Kakeda S, Ito A, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Ohyama C
The Prostate 81 ( 16 ) 1411 - 1427 2021年12月
Grey-matter brain healthcare quotient and cognitive function: A large cohort study of an MRI brain screening system in Japan.
Watanabe K, Kakeda S, Nemoto K, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, Kobayashi S, Yamakawa Y
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior 145 97 - 104 2021年12月
Cerebral ventriculomegaly in myotonic dystrophy type 1: normal pressure hydrocephalus-like appearances on magnetic resonance imaging.
Iida S, Seino H, Nagahata F, Tatsuo S, Maruyama S, Kon S, Takada H, Matsuzaka M, Sugimoto K, Kakeda S
BMC neuroscience 22 ( 1 ) 62 2021年10月
Volume of Amygdala Subregions and Clinical Manifestations in Patients With First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Major Depression.
Tesen H, Watanabe K, Okamoto N, Ikenouchi A, Igata R, Konishi Y, Kakeda S, Yoshimura R
Frontiers in human neuroscience 15 780884 - 780884 2021年10月
椎骨脳底動脈領域に脳梗塞を生じた関節リウマチによるBow hunter 症候群の1例
吉松 悠太, 井手 智, 掛田 伸吾, 村上 優, 福満 智史, 竹下 洋平, 穴井 健太, 濱村 俊彦, 吉田 周平, 酒井 昭典, 興梠 征典
産業医大誌 43 ( 3 ) 349 - 353 2021年09月
臨床に役立つ基礎薬理学の用語解説(第21回) Volume based connectome
渡邉 啓太, 掛田 伸吾, 吉村 玲児
臨床精神薬理 24 ( 7 ) 747 - 749 2021年07月
High-signal venous sinuses on MR angiography: discrimination between reversal of venous flow and arteriovenous shunting using arterial spin labeling.
Iwamura M, Midorikawa H, Shibutani K, Kakuta A, Maruyama S, Yotsuya C, Tatsuo S, Fujita H, Kakehata S, Tsushima F, Nozaki A, Sugimoto K, Kakeda S
Neuroradiology 63 ( 6 ) 889 - 896 2021年06月
Scout 画像を用いた VSRAD 解析の精度 : 従来の 3D-T<sub>1</sub>WI との比較
片山 竜也, 渡邉 啓太, 成松 秀州, 掛田 伸吾, 興梠 征典
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 77 ( 12 ) 1411 - 1415 2021年06月
特集1 地力が伸ばせる頭部画像診断 脳血管性疾患
海地 陽子, 掛田 伸吾, 粟井 和夫
臨床画像 37 ( 3 ) 302 - 317 2021年03月
特集1 地力が伸ばせる頭部画像診断 序説
掛田 伸吾
臨床画像 37 ( 3 ) 301 - 301 2021年03月
特集1 地力が伸ばせる頭部画像診断 そのほかの炎症性疾患
井手 智, 清野 浩子, 掛田 伸吾
臨床画像 37 ( 3 ) 340 - 349 2021年03月
【第56回日本小児放射線学会学術集会"新時代の小児診療、360度の評価をめざして"より】脳MRI画像統計解析 小児疾患への応用
掛田 伸吾, 渡邊 啓太
日本小児放射線学会雑誌 37 ( 1 ) 61 - 67 2021年03月
掛田 伸吾, 渡邊 啓太
日本小児放射線学会雑誌 37 ( 1 ) 61 - 67 2021年
Brain structural network alterations related to serum cortisol levels in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder patients: a source-based morphometric study.
Nguyen L, Kakeda S, Watanabe K, Katsuki A, Sugimoto K, Igata N, Shinkai T, Abe O, Korogi Y, Ikenouchi A, Yoshimura R
Scientific reports 10 ( 1 ) 22096 - 22096 2020年12月
Signal intensity of cerebral gyri in corticobasal syndrome on phase difference enhanced magnetic resonance images: Comparison of progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Tetsuya Yoneda, Satoru Ide, Kazumasa Okada, Hiroaki Adachi, Yukunori Korogi
Journal of the neurological sciences 419 117210 - 117210 2020年12月
Signal intensity of cerebral gyri in corticobasal syndrome on phase difference enhanced magnetic resonance images: Comparison of progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Yoneda T, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Journal of the neurological sciences 419 117210 - 117210 2020年12月
An independent component analysis reveals brain structural networks related to TNF-α in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder: a source-based morphometric study.
Kakeda S, Watanabe K, Nguyen H, Katsuki A, Sugimoto K, Igata N, Abe O, Yoshimura R, Korogi Y
Translational psychiatry 10 ( 1 ) 187 2020年12月
Hippocampal sclerosis without visually detectable hippocampal MRI abnormalities: automated subfield volumetric analysis.
Hiromi Masaki, Keita Watanabe, Shingo Kakeda, Satoru Ide, Kohichiro Sugimoto, Issei Ueda, Toshihiko Hamamura, Sachi Hisanaga, Tomoko Toyota, Naoki Akamatsu, Shohei Shimajiri, Junkoh Yamamoto, Shigeru Nishizawa, Hiroaki Adachi, Yukunori Korogi
Japanese journal of radiology 38 ( 11 ) 1020 - 1027 2020年11月
Hippocampal sclerosis without visually detectable hippocampal MRI abnormalities: automated subfield volumetric analysis.
Masaki H, Watanabe K, Kakeda S, Ide S, Sugimoto K, Ueda I, Hamamura T, Hisanaga S, Toyota T, Akamatsu N, Shimajiri S, Yamamoto J, Nishizawa S, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Japanese journal of radiology 38 ( 11 ) 1020 - 1027 2020年11月
High-signal venous sinuses on MR angiography: discrimination between reversal of venous flow and arteriovenous shunting using arterial spin labeling.
Masatoshi Iwamura, Hiroshi Midorikawa, Koichi Shibutani, Akihisa Kakuta, Sho Maruyama, Chihiro Yotsuya, Soichiro Tatsuo, Hiromasa Fujita, Shinya Kakehata, Fumiyasu Tsushima, Atsushi Nozaki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Shingo Kakeda
Neuroradiology 2020年10月
Synthetic MRIを用いた脳梁のミエリン減少と認知機能の評価
宮田 真里, 掛田 伸吾, 井手 智, 足立 弘明, 興梠 征典
Dementia Japan 34 ( 4 ) 476 - 476 2020年10月
Synthetic MRIを用いた脳梁のミエリン減少と認知機能の評価
宮田 真里, 掛田 伸吾, 井手 智, 足立 弘明, 興梠 征典
Dementia Japan 34 ( 4 ) 476 - 476 2020年10月
Early volume reduction of the hippocampus after whole-brain radiation therapy: an automated brain structure segmentation study.
Yohei Takeshita, Keita Watanabe, Shingo Kakeda, Toshihiko Hamamura, Koichiro Sugimoto, Hiromi Masaki, Issei Ueda, Natsuki Igata, Takayuki Ohguri, Yukunori Korogi
Japanese journal of radiology 38 ( 2 ) 118 - 125 2020年08月
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism increases segregation of structural correlation networks in healthy adult brains
Issei Ueda, Kazuhiro Takemoto, Keita Watanabe, Koichiro Sugimoto, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Shingo Kakeda, Asuka Katsuki, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
PeerJ 8 e9632 - e9632 2020年08月
Whole-brain structural covariance network abnormality in first-episode and drug-naïve major depressive disorder.
Keita Watanabe, Shingo Kakeda, Asuka Katsuki, Issei Ueda, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging 300 111083 - 111083 2020年06月
Association of Serum Kynurenine Levels and Neural Networks in Patients with First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Major Depression: A Source-Based Morphometry Study.
Naomichi Okamoto, Keita Watanabe, LeHoa Ngyuyen, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Taro Kishi, Nakao Iwata, Shingo Kakeda, Yukunori Korogi, Reiji Yoshimura
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 16 2569 - 2577 2020年05月
An independent component analysis reveals brain structural networks related to TNF-α in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder: a source-based morphometric study.
Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Hoa Nguyen, Asuka Katsuki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Natsuki Igata, Osamu Abe, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Translational psychiatry 10 ( 1 ) 187 - 187 2020年05月
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism increases segregation of structural correlation networks in healthy adult brains.
Issei Ueda, Kazuhiro Takemoto, Keita Watanabe, Koichiro Sugimoto, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Shingo Kakeda, Asuka Katsuki, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
PeerJ 8 e9632 - e9632 2020年05月
Brain structural network alterations related to serum cortisol levels in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder patients: a source-based morphometric study.
LeHoa Nguyen, Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Asuka Katsuki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Natsuki Igata, Takahiro Shinkai, Osamu Abe, Yukunori Korogi, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Reiji Yoshimura
Scientific reports 10 ( 1 ) 22096 - 22096 2020年05月
Facial nerve atrophy in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Evaluation with fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA).
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Tomoyo Hashimoto, Satoru Ide, Kazumasa Okada, Hiroaki Adachi, Yukunori Korogi
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 51 ( 3 ) 757 - 766 2020年05月
Structural Changes in Hippocampal Subfields in Patients with Continuous Remission of Drug-Naive Major Depressive Disorder.
Asuka Katsuki, Keita Watanabe, LeHoa Nguyen, Yuka Otsuka, Ryohei Igata, Atsuko Ikenouchi, Shingo Kakeda, Yukunori Korogi, Reiji Yoshimura
International journal of molecular sciences 21 ( 9 ) 2020年04月
Structural Changes in Hippocampal Subfields in Patients with Continuous Remission of Drug-Naive Major Depressive Disorder.
Katsuki A, Watanabe K, Nguyen L, Otsuka Y, Igata R, Ikenouchi A, Kakeda S, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R
International journal of molecular sciences 21 ( 9 ) 2020年04月
特集 検査値を読む2020 14章 血清蛋白,その他の生化学検査 γ-アミノ酪酸(GABA)
掛田 伸吾, 吉村 玲児
内科 125 ( 4 ) 767 - 767 2020年04月
Facial nerve atrophy in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Evaluation with fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA).
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Hashimoto T, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Korogi Y
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 51 ( 3 ) 757 - 766 2020年03月
すとらびすむす 考えない動物
掛田 伸吾
画像診断 40 ( 3 ) 267 - 267 2020年02月
特集 MRI再入門─放射線科医のためのマストアイテム─Part 2 脊椎MRI
藤田 大真, 掛端 伸也, 対馬 史泰, 三浦 弘行, 堀 正明, 掛田 伸吾
画像診断 40 ( 3 ) 340 - 349 2020年02月
渡邉 啓太, 掛田 伸吾, 杉本 康一郎, 香月 あすか, 吉村 玲児, 興梠 征典
日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 40 ( 1 ) 33 - 35 2020年02月
Olfactory identification associates with cognitive function and the third ventricle width in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Kazumasa Okada, Shingo Kakeda, Masayuki Tahara
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders 38 101507 - 101507 2020年02月
Olfactory identification associates with cognitive function and the third ventricle width in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Okada K, Kakeda S, Tahara M
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders 38 101507 2020年02月
二ツ矢 浩一郎, 掛田 伸吾, 真崎 弘美, 村上 優, 竹下 洋平, 大成 宣弘, 興梠 征典, 足立 弘明
Japanese Journal of Radiology 38 ( Suppl. ) 77 - 77 2020年02月
渡邉 啓太, 掛田 伸吾, 杉本 康一郎, 香月 あすか, 吉村 玲児, 興梠 征典
日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 40 ( 1 ) 33 - 35 2020年02月
全身性エリテマトーデスにおけるSynthetic MRIによる脳内ミエリン量評価の初期経験
井手 智, 掛田 伸吾, 渡邉 啓太, 宮田 真理, 竹下 洋平, 興梠 征典, 岩田 慈, 中山田 真吾, 田中 良哉
Japanese Journal of Radiology 38 ( Suppl. ) 76 - 76 2020年02月
掛田 伸吾, 渡邉 啓太, 杉本 康一郎, 興梠 征典, 香月 あすか, 吉村 玲児
Japanese Journal of Radiology 38 ( Suppl. ) 77 - 77 2020年02月
Association of Serum Kynurenine Levels and Neural Networks in Patients with First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Major Depression: A Source-Based Morphometry Study.
Okamoto N, Watanabe K, Ngyuyen L, Ikenouchi A, Kishi T, Iwata N, Kakeda S, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 16 2569 - 2577 2020年
The facial nerve atrophy with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy patients (SBMA): Three case reports with 3D fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA).
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Tomoyo Hashimoto, Yukunori Korogi, Hiroaki Adachi
Journal of the neurological sciences 406 116461 - 116461 2019年11月
The facial nerve atrophy with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy patients (SBMA): Three case reports with 3D fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA).
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Tomoyo Hashimoto, Yukunori Korogi, Hiroaki Adachi
Journal of the neurological sciences 406 116461 - 116461 2019年11月
Olfactory identification associates with cognitive function and the third ventricle width in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Okada K, Kakeda S, Tahara M.
Mult Scler Relat Disord 2019年11月
The facial nerve atrophy with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy patients (SBMA): three case reports with 3D fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA)
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Hashimoto T, Korogi Y, Adachi H
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2019年11月
Potential usefulness of signal intensity of cerebral gyri on quantitative susceptibility mapping for discriminating corticobasal degeneration from progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Toyoshima Y, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Wang Y, Korogi Y.
Neuroradiology 2019年11月
Potential usefulness of signal intensity of cerebral gyri on quantitative susceptibility mapping for discriminating corticobasal degeneration from progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Yasuko Toyoshima, Satoru Ide, Kazumasa Okada, Hiroaki Adachi, Yi Wang, Yukunori Korogi
Neuroradiology 61 ( 11 ) 1251 - 1259 2019年11月
Intracranial vessel wall lesions in patients with systematic lupus erythematosus.
Satoru Ide, Shingo Kakeda, Mari Miyata, Shigeru Iwata, Naoaki Ohkubo, Shingo Nakayamada, Koichiro Futatsuya, Keita Watanabe, Junji Moriya, Yoshihisa Fujino, Yoshiya Tanaka, Yukunori Korogi
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 48 ( 5 ) 1237 - 1246 2019年11月
Early volume reduction of the hippocampus after whole-brain radiation therapy: an automated brain structure segmentation study.
11. Takeshita Y, Watanabe K, Kakeda S, Hamamura T, Sugimoto K, Masaki H, Ueda I, Igata N, Ohguri T, Korogi Y.
Jpn J Radiol. 2019年10月
Relationship between VEGF-related gene polymorphisms and brain morphology in treatment-naïve patients with first-episode major depressive disorder.
8. Nguyen L, Kakeda S, Katsuki A, Sugimoto K, Otsuka Y, Ueda I, Igata R, Watanabe K, Kishi T, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R.
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2019年10月
Relationship between VEGF-related gene polymorphisms and brain morphology in treatment-naïve patients with first-episode major depressive disorder.
Nguyen L, Kakeda S, Katsuki A, Sugimoto K, Otsuka Y, Ueda I, Igata R, Watanabe K, Kishi T, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 269 ( 7 ) 785 - 794 2019年10月
宮田 真里, 掛田 伸吾, 足立 弘明, 興梠 征典
Dementia Japan 33 ( 4 ) 512 - 512 2019年10月
掛田 伸吾, 興梠 征典
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 122 ( 8 ) 1154 - 1161 2019年08月
Detection of dentate nuclei abnormality in a patient with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy using the quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Satoru Ide, Shingo Kakeda, Hiroaki Adachi, Mari Miyata, Yukio Iwanaka, Kazumasa Okada, Yukunori Korogi
Journal of the neurological sciences 403 97 - 98 2019年08月
Facial nerve atrophy in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Evaluation with fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA).
J Magn Reson Imaging 2019年08月
Evaluation of oxygen extraction fraction in systemic lupus erythematosus patients using quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Kudo K, Iwata S, Tanaka Y, Wang Y, Korogi Y.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2019年08月
Detection of dentate nuclei abnormality in a patient with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy using the quantitative susceptibility mapping.
J Neurol Sci. 2019年08月
Evaluation of oxygen extraction fraction in systemic lupus erythematosus patients using quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Mari Miyata, Shingo Kakeda, Kohsuke Kudo, Shigeru Iwata, Yoshiya Tanaka, Yi Wang, Yukunori Korogi
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 39 ( 8 ) 1648 - 1658 2019年08月
The usefulness of full-iterative reconstruction algorithm for the visualization of cystic artery on CT angiography.
6. Hamamura T, Hayashida Y, Takeshita Y, Sugimoto K, Ueda I, Futatsuya K, Kakeda S, Aoki T, Korogi Y.
Jpn J Radiol. 2019年07月
Potential usefulness of signal intensity of cerebral gyri on quantitative susceptibility mapping for discriminating corticobasal degeneration from progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Miyata M, Kakeda S, Toyoshima Y, Ide S, Okada K, Adachi H, Wang Y, Korogi Y
Neuroradiology 61 ( 11 ) 1251 - 1259 2019年07月
COMT polymorphism regulates the hippocampal subfield volumes in first-episode, drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder.
5. Otsuka Y, Kakeda S, Sugimoto K, Katsuki A, Nguyen LH, Igata R, Watanabe K, Ueda I, Kishi T, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2019年06月
Detection of dentate nuclei abnormality in a patient with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy using the quantitative susceptibility mapping.
Ide S, Kakeda S, Adachi H, Miyata M, Iwanaka Y, Okada K, Korogi Y
Journal of the neurological sciences 403 97 - 98 2019年06月
香月 あすか, 掛田 伸吾, 渡邉 啓太, 井形 亮平, 大塚 悠加, 上田 一生, 興梠 征典, 吉村 玲児
精神神経学雑誌 ( 2019特別号 ) S476 - S476 2019年06月
井形 亮平, 香月 あすか, 掛田 伸吾, 渡邉 啓太, 井形 夏貴, 堀 輝, 阿竹 聖和, 小西 勇輝, 川崎 祐也, 興梠 征典, 吉村 玲児
精神神経学雑誌 ( 2019特別号 ) S447 - S447 2019年06月
河野 裕一郎, 大成 宣弘, 掛田 伸吾, 森谷 淳二, 二ツ矢 浩一郎, 真崎 弘美, 福満 智史, 興梠 征典, 小畑 雅子, 足立 弘明
Japanese Journal of Radiology 37 ( Suppl. ) 64 - 64 2019年02月
Vessel wall magnetic resonance imaging findings and surgical treatment in nilotinib-associated cerebrovascular disease: A case report.
Kohei Suzuki, Junkoh Yamamoto, Shingo Kakeda, Seishiro Takamatsu, Ryo Miyaoka, Takehiro Kitagawa, Takeshi Saito, Yoshiteru Nakano, Shigeru Nishizawa
Molecular and clinical oncology 10 ( 2 ) 239 - 243 2019年02月
大うつ病患者における海馬形態と血中IL-6値の関係 初回エピソード未治療群での検討
掛田 伸吾, 渡邉 啓太, 杉本 康一郎, 上田 一生, 興梠 征典
Japanese Journal of Radiology 37 ( Suppl. ) 75 - 75 2019年02月
Potential usefulness of signal intensity of cerebral gyri on quantitative susceptibility mapping for discriminating corticobasal degeneration from progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.
Neuroradiology 2019年01月
A single-nucleotide polymorphism influences brain morphology in drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder.
Katsuki A, Kakeda S, Watanabe K, Igata R, Otsuka Y, Kishi T, Nguyen L, Ueda I, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019年01月
Genetic effects on white matter integrity in drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study of 17 genetic loci associated with depressive symptoms.
7. Kakeda S, Watanabe K, Katsuki A, Sugimoto K, Ueda I, Igata N, Kishi T, Iwata N, Abe O, Yoshimura R, Korogi Y.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019年01月
A single-nucleotide polymorphism influences brain morphology in drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder.
Katsuki A, Kakeda S, Watanabe K, Igata R, Otsuka Y, Kishi T, Nguyen L, Ueda I, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Yoshimura R.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2019年
Genetic effects on white matter integrity in drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study of 17 genetic loci associated with depressive symptoms.
Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Asuka Katsuki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Issei Ueda, Natsuki Igata, Taro Kishi, Nakao Iwata, Osamu Abe, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 375 - 383 2019年
COMT polymorphism regulates the hippocampal subfield volumes in first-episode, drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder.
Yuka Otsuka, Shingo Kakeda, Koichiro Sugimoto, Asuka Katsuki, Le Hoa Nguyen, Ryohei Igata, Keita Watanabe, Issei Ueda, Taro Kishi, Nakao Iwata, Yukunori Korogi, Reiji Yoshimura
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 1537 - 1545 2019年
A single-nucleotide polymorphism influences brain morphology in drug-naïve patients with major depressive disorder.
Asuka Katsuki, Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Ryohei Igata, Yuka Otsuka, Taro Kishi, LeHoa Nguyen, Issei Ueda, Nakao Iwata, Yukunori Korogi, Reiji Yoshimura
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 2425 - 2432 2019年
Genetic effects on white matter integrity in drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study of 17 genetic loci associated with depressive symptoms.
Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Asuka Katsuki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Issei Ueda, Natsuki Igata, Taro Kishi, Nakao Iwata, Osamu Abe, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 375 - 383 2019年
COMT polymorphism regulates the hippocampal subfield volumes in first-episode, drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder.
Yuka Otsuka, Shingo Kakeda, Koichiro Sugimoto, Asuka Katsuki, Le Hoa Nguyen, Ryohei Igata, Keita Watanabe, Issei Ueda, Taro Kishi, Nakao Iwata, Yukunori Korogi, Reiji Yoshimura
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 1537 - 1545 2019年
Brain structural connectivity and neuroticism in healthy adults.
Sci Rep 2018年12月
Evaluation of Peritumoral Brain Parenchyma Using Contrast-Enhanced 3D Fast Imaging Employing Steady-State Acquisition at 3T for Differentiating Metastatic Brain Tumors and Glioblastomas.
Junkoh Yamamoto, Shingo Kakeda, Shohei Shimajiri, Yoshiteru Nakano, Takeshi Saito, Satoru Ide, Junji Moriya, Yukunori Korogi, Shigeru Nishizawa
World neurosurgery 120 e719 - e729 2018年12月
Brain structural connectivity and neuroticism in healthy adults.
Issei Ueda, Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Koichiro Sugimoto, Natsuki Igata, Junji Moriya, Kazuhiro Takemoto, Asuka Katsuki, Reiji Yoshimura, Osamu Abe, Yukunori Korogi
Scientific reports 8 ( 1 ) 16491 - 16491 2018年11月
Tumefactive demyelination with a transient appearance of oligoclonal bands in MS under fingolimod.
Kazumasa Okada, Tomoyo Hashimoto, Masako Kobata, Shingo Kakeda, Toshiyuki Takahashi, Junko Hirato
Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation 5 ( 5 ) e484 - e484 2018年09月
Relationship between white matter integrity and serum inflammatory cytokine levels in drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder: diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics.
Koichiro Sugimoto, Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Asuka Katsuki, Issei Ueda, Natsuki Igata, Ryohei Igata, Osamu Abe, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Translational psychiatry 8 ( 1 ) 141 - 141 2018年08月
Relationship between interleukin (IL)-6 and brain morphology in drug-naïve, first-episode major depressive disorder using surface-based morphometry.
Shingo Kakeda, Keita Watanabe, Asuka Katsuki, Koichiro Sugimoto, Natsuki Igata, Issei Ueda, Ryohei Igata, Osamu Abe, Reiji Yoshimura, Yukunori Korogi
Scientific reports 8 ( 1 ) 10054 - 10054 2018年07月
Signal Change of Acute Cortical and Juxtacortical Microinfarction on Follow-Up MRI.
M Miyata, S Kakeda, T Yoneda, S Ide, K Watanabe, J Moriya, Y Korogi
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 39 ( 5 ) 834 - 840 2018年05月
薬剤未投与の大うつ病患者における白質統合性と血清コルチゾール値の関係 神経束の空間統計学を用いた拡散テンソル画像研究(Relationship between white matter integrity and serum cortisol levels in drug-naive major depressive disorder patients: a diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics)
劉 暁丹, 渡邉 啓太, 掛田 伸吾, 井手 智, 興梠 征典, 吉村 玲児, 香月 あすか, 中野 和歌子, 中村 純, 阿部 修
Japanese Journal of Radiology 34 ( Suppl. ) 84 - 84 2016年02月
二ツ矢 浩一郎, 森谷 淳二, 村上 優, 井手 智, 真崎 弘美, 渡邊 啓太, 小笠原 篤, 掛田 伸吾, 大成 宣弘, 池嵜 祥司, 鈴木 秀明, 興梠 征典
JNET: Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 8 ( 6 ) 378 - 378 2014年12月
戸村 恭輔, 掛田 伸吾, 森谷 淳二, 村上 優, 井手 智, 渡邊 啓太, 小笠原 篤, 二ツ矢 浩一郎, 大成 宜弘, 興梠 征典, 西野 和義
IVR: Interventional Radiology 29 ( Suppl. ) 267 - 267 2014年05月
井手 智, 村上 優, 森谷 淳二, 大成 宣弘, 掛田 伸吾, 二ツ矢 浩一郎, 渡邊 啓太, 二神 恵津朗, 興梠 征典, 西澤 茂
JNET: Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 7 ( 6 ) 283 - 283 2013年11月
村上 優, 森谷 淳二, 渡邊 啓太, 井手 智, 小笠原 篤, 掛田 伸吾, 大成 宣弘, 林田 佳子, 興梠 征典, 宮岡 亮, 西澤 茂
JNET: Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 7 ( 2 ) 106 - 110 2013年05月
統合失調症初回エピソード症例での画像研究 脳内GABA濃度及びDiffusin tensor imaging(DTI)による検討
後藤 直樹, 吉村 玲児, 上田 展久, 堀 輝, 中野 和歌子, 杉田 篤子, 林 健司, 森谷 淳二, 掛田 伸吾, 大成 宣弘, 興梠 征典, 中村 純
九州神経精神医学 55 ( 3-4 ) 171 - 172 2009年12月